What is Exponential Growth?

Mitrabarun Banerjee
Enlighten Inc.
Published in
5 min readApr 13, 2020


“The article is being written to know and share a quick knowledge on what is exponential growth and understand the meaning of Bartlett’s Law.”

Exponential growth is an analytical regularity of vast extent. You may surely be able to adduce many instances of it. It’s the foremost prominent of ominous tools, notably in economics. A sound theoretical basis for the exponential growth is typically not plausible. If the speed of growth of a volume is proportional to the number itself, then the expansion of the number is going to be exponential.

Whenever exponential growth is encountered, the question of beginnings and endings are incredibly interesting. The mere apprehension of exponential growth, and also the estimation of doubling time, don’t seem to be as a fundamental. Exponential growth has been observed in bacterial colonies, the population of humans with technology and weapons available, the number of scientific periodical titles, the assembly of crude, and also the number of PhD’s granted yearly within the U.S. Each of those examples has its dynamics, but each has produced very nice linear semilog plots.

Examining PhD’s within the U.S, if we extrapolate the road to more initial dates, we discover that in 1850 there would be 0.1 PhD granted. This shows that the curve can’t be extrapolated backwards into a part where the statistics are void thanks to the tiny sample size. Beginnings, therefore, don’t seem to be subject to statistical regularities. Within the case of scientific journal titles, exponential growth wasn’t seen until there have been about ten titles.

Whereas beginnings are of interest to historians, endings are of significant importance in economics. Professor A. A. Bartlett of the University of Colorado made an active effort to awaken the overall populace to the fact that everyone’s exponential growth must end. If this scheme has not already received a reputation, it’s going to otherwise be called Bartlett’s Law, as during this note. Most economists, politicians, and promoters blindly extend the road to the proper, with conclusions as ridiculous as those obtained by extending it to the left. Of the examples quoted above, only human populations haven’t seen the tip of exponential growth. Scientific journal titles were speculated to reach 1,000,000 by 2000; they levelled off at 40,000 shortly after exponential growth was boasted in 1950. There should be 20,000 Physics PhD’s in 2000; there’ll be about 1000 or fewer, having abruptly levelled off at this number in 1970. The U.S crude production climaxed in 1970 after exponential growth since the inception of the century and is now in exponential decline. Bacterial colonies grow exponentially until the food is depleted; then they die and release spores that drift around until more food is found, therefore the pointless process may be repeated. Humans appear to try to the identical, apart from the spores. Three styles of endings may be recognized. The primary is the abrupt catastrophe when some necessity gets drained. The second is an abrupt levelling-off when increasing mortality balances the expansion. The third is the Hubbert logistic decline, which eventually becomes an exponential decline. All three types are well-documented. They’ll apply to finish systems made from many subsystems so analytical regularities become important, or to subsystems large enough for similar regularities to be valid. Individual cases are unpredictable by the statistics. For instance, individual oil provinces are observed to obey Hubbert’s Law quite well, but world-wide production would suffer a catastrophe, thanks to the character of the market.

Exponential growth is characterized as growth without either restriction or forced encouragement. Primitive humans endured local cycles of growth and catastrophe, while the general population remained stable, the speed of reproduction balancing the mortality. Where weather or civilization lowered the speed of loss, the population increased gradually. The encouragement of reproduction was thought to be very desirable and has always been present in human society, usually in weird and unsightly ways.

The first recognizable example of Bartlett’s Law in human history will probably be the exhaustion of cheap, flexible energy within the varieties of liquid and gaseous petroleum. The reserves of this finite resource can now be estimated relatively accurately, the accuracy of Hubbert’s Law has been established, and also the workings of the market are all fitting together nicely to confirm that low prices are maintained up to the instant when the availability first falters, then prices are going to be driven up vertically when pricing becomes the means of allocation of insufficient supply. The particular catastrophe is going to be economic, not material, and they are still well a decent deal of petroleum remaining at this epoch. After this, energy will still be available; it simply will now not be cheap and convenient.

Thomas Malthus predicted disaster from the increasing population when he observed that population increased exponentially (using figures from the first U.S census), while arable land may well be brought into production only arithmetically (at a relentless rate). When the curves crossed, famine would ensue. These observations were made before 1800. It’s easy to determine why they weren’t borne out, except locally and temporarily, but this doesn’t invalidate his analysis. Now we’ve got exponential growth versus a set resource, not an arithmetically increasing one. Petroleum isn’t simply a source of gasoline.

It’s essential to the low-cost production of food, within the kind of diesel oil and as a chemical feedstock for the manufacture of fertilizers. The increase within the price of oil will deny it to the poorest of the human population, depriving it of the food that has been forced from the bottom by the utilization of cheap energy and chemicals. This can be just one aspect of the matter of the exhaustion of resources that may go to pot and worse because of the world population increases. Human population cannot increase forever at an exponential rate; it’ll level — but the world cannot support indefinitely even its current population. The pain doesn’t come gradually, but all without delay, in these cases.

It is exceedingly difficult for humans, especially politicians and priests, to realize the scale of the universe in time and space, and that seems substantial and everlasting things are merely temporary and insignificant bright flashes in eternity.



Mitrabarun Banerjee
Enlighten Inc.

A management graduate and an Indian from India. A self believer and working with passion and honesty.