Are transmission lines frozen in time?

Jaqueline Santos
Enline Energy Solutions
2 min readMay 26, 2022

Are power transmission lines frozen in time? Why should we ask ourselves this question, and what is the energy industry’s impact on our lives?

We have all been following massive technological advancements in recent years. The energy industry could not be an exception to this reality. On the opposite, the adaptation of power transmission gears is necessary so that power reaches EVERYONE in a faster, predictable, safer, and more thoughtful way. For this to happen, the operation of this generation and distribution process must insert artificial intelligence that cooperates with the energy system and with workers to deliver cleaner, cheaper energy with safer metrics respecting geoposition, topography, social and sustainable challenges.

And yes, the transmission lines are frozen in time! Without solutions that prevent damage from fires, freezes, wind actions, and even flooding, transmissions can be interrupted at any moment, causing inestimable damage to society. With data science and artificial intelligence embedded in the energy cores, these situations can be prevented or quickly reversed with the high technology on the market, such as Enline’s digital twin.

Enline Dynamic Line Rating (E-DLR)

The digital twin is an economical solution to implement a dynamic rating line in transmission lines. Enline has excellent flexibility to combine and integrate existing monitoring solutions. It minimizes the need for physical sensors and weather stations, capable of working with no local sensors at all — E-DLR can incorporate into its platform sensor data if required by the client -. It can also integrate other substation monitoring systems from equipment such as transformers, circuit breakers, or weather stations. The weather data hub combines different weather sources acquired from virtual and physical stations, third suppliers, and other references that comply with the digital twin parametrization requirements.

In addition, electromechanical characteristics of the transmission line such as cable resistance, topography, and tower geometry are considered, span per span and cable per cable, so that the digital twin can simulate the electromagnetic behavior of the installation along with the time and distance. The output of E-DLR is real-time, and the forecast of the maximum allowed power of a transmission line with customized parametrization is automatically set by the operator.

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