Keeping up the Electric Demand

Jaqueline Santos
Enline Energy Solutions
3 min readMay 5, 2022

Dynamic line rating and the innovation of electrical resources.

Winds and extremal climate conditions impact power transmission systems due to their variable nature and direct influence on the performance of electrical transmission grids, besides bringing additional costs in case of unforeseen heavy weather events or energy overload situations. Also, solar radiation and ambient temperatures are influencing the ability of transmission lines to carry electrical energy.

This article explains how and why dynamic line rating can handle the problems mentioned above, particularly by Enline’s completely remote artificial intelligence system. Unlike other products, it provides all data information dynamically, considering meteorological variables in a real-time and preventive manner, and is allowing accurate reports of the maximum admissible capacity of the assets up to five days in advance.

What is a dynamic line rating?

Dynamic line rating (DLR) enables the better use of the existing grid, allowing maximized VRE (variable renewable energy) integration by taking advantage of shifting weather conditions and their effects on a power line’s thermal capacity. (IRENA 2020)

E-DLR example

How is the ENLINE system more efficient and adequate to the energy demand?

Enline uses electrical data acquired from the automation network or a control center that gathers electrical phasor parameters of the substations connected by the transmission line. Besides the electrical information of the substations, the software computes thermal contributions that affect the cable temperature and sagging.

The weather data hub combines different weather sources acquired from virtual and/or physical stations, third suppliers, and other statistics that comply with the digital twin parametrization requirements. In addition, electromechanical characteristics of the transmission line such as cable types, topography, and tower geometry are considered, span per span and cable per cable, so that the digital twin can simulate the electromagnetic behavior of the installation along with the time and distance.

Enline’s server gathers all inputs and computes the digital twin of the transmission line. The computation architecture varies from a cloud structure or dedicated servers installed at customer premises and substations or an operating control center. The output of E-DLR is real-time and also forecasts the maximum allowed power of a transmission line within customized parametrization automatically set by the operator.


Combining the efforts of artificial intelligence with data science, ENLINE obtained results in avoiding network congestion and drastic cost savings such as:

  • 80% of the costs were saved by implementing the Digital Twin DLR compared to sensor-based hardware operation.
  • 90% time reduction on unavailability and fault identification time.
  • 98% accuracy of digital twin calculations vs real field measurement.
  • 0h downtime or outage.

Enline has great flexibility to combine and integrate existing monitoring solutions. It minimizes the need for physical sensors and weather stations, capable of working with no local sensors at all. The installation and operation of E- DLR are completely remote and need no outages for installation. The cost-effectiveness of the dynamic line rating and reliability is assuring the best performance, based on the digital twin technology unprecedented in the market. There are no similar technologies known and the software is the exclusive intellectual property of Enline.

Discover the DLR system solutions:


IRENA (2020), Innovation landscape brief: Dynamic Line Rating, International Renewable Energy Agency, Abu Dhabi.

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