What types of data inputs are requested to design the Power Grid Digital Twin?

Bruno Chagas
Enline Energy Solutions
2 min readJan 20, 2022

Electromechanical, electrical and meteorological data.



First, Enline requests the electromechanical line data from the executive engineering project.: how many bundles of cables, types of cables, how many towers along the line and the geometry and positioning of each tower.
This information is requested one time only.


Knowing the position of the towers, we receive the meteorological data from our partners with great precision and granularity, for now-cast and fore-cast (in real time) along the grid asset. The practical way to do that, is with a time requisition of fifteen minutes. So by each hour we receive a package of data of a detailed meteorological variety like temperatures, direct and indirect radiation, all wind parameters, precipitation values etc. The fore-cast can be for 1 day, 2 days or until one week, depending on the customer request.


Normally, power meters are already installed in the local and remote substations.
But what are the electrical data we need? Voltage and current per phase, active and reactive power per phase from the two terminals.
In case the data are going to be extracted of the PMU (phasor measuring unit), the result are the absolute values and the phase deviations of the variables in a synchronized way.

How the data are transferred to Enline? Various and flexible possibilities are existing, as sending automatic e-mails, or by an API created by Enline reading directly from the server. All data fully protected by professional cybersecurity systems

After having received all this information, Enline is able to start creating the Digital Twin of the power grid assets within a period of less than 1 week.

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PT +351 910 622 515

DE +49 176 2125 1343

BR +55 11986597516

PE +51 968 550 821


