Guide: Enno Cash distribution to Enno Wallet Early-Birds

Enno Wallet Announcements
Enno Wallet & Enno Cash
4 min readSep 3, 2021


Updated: 29.09.2021

Enno Wallet is a non-custodial cryptocurrency wallet that runs on mobile. It is a secure crypto wallet and gateway to decentralized finance. Download Enno Wallet from App Store or Google Play.

Early-Bird Program

Users who start actively using Enno Wallet before the token sale are called Enno Birds. Early-bird rewards will be distributed between these users in proportion to their staked Neutrino tokens and their supply amount on Liquidity Protocol for Lending and Borrowing Assets.

🆕 Update (29.09.2021): Swop staking is now included in the Early-Bird reward calculation.

The Early Bird program will last until the token sale. A total of 1 mln Enno Cash a.k.a $ENNO tokens are reserved for early-bird users. The early-bird rewards will be unlocked gradually within two years after the launch, on a per-block basis. Early-bird’s $ENNO amount will increase with each new block and early-birds will be able to claim their unlocked tokens whenever they want.

You can read Enno Cash token economics here.

Early-Bird Duration

The Early-Bird program starts September 3, 2021, at 17:00 CET & the program will last until the token sale. You can start staking and supplying liquidity within Enno Wallet now to get counted in when the early-bird period starts.

Early-Bird Distribution

Early-bird rewards will be distributed between;

  • Neutrino USD (USDN) Stakers
  • Neutrino EUR (EURN) Stakers
  • Neutrino GBP (GBPN) Stakers
  • Neutrino RUB (RUBN) Stakers
  • Neutrino TRY (TRYN) Stakers
  • Neutrino BRL (BRLN) Stakers
  • Neutrino UAH (UAHN) Stakers
  • Neutrino CNY (CNYN) Stakers
  • Neutrino JPY (JPYN) Stakers
  • NSBT (Neutrino System Base Token) Stakers
  • Vires.Finance (The Liquidity Protocol for Lending and Borrowing Assets) Suppliers.
  • 🆕 Update: Swop Stakers are now included in the Early-bird program. (29.09.2021) Enjoy making new transactions since we covered all your previous ones. All your Swop Stake transactions you made with Enno Wallet will take into account.

🚨Win-Win Alert🎉 : There is an ongoing early-bird period on Vires Finance (The Liquidity Protocol for Lending and Borrowing Assets). If you Supply liquidity within Enno Wallet, you will be able to receive both Vires and Enno Cash tokens.

The reward size is based on both the market value of your stakes and supplies & the duration of providing it. The market value for staked assets is calculated in USDN at a price in the oracles. The market value for supplied assets on Vires.Finance is calculated in USDN at a price in the Vires.Finance. The market value for NSBT Stakes is calculated in USDN at a price in the Waves.Exchange.

🆕 Update: The market value for Swop Stakes is calculated in USDN at a price in the Waves.Exchange. The market value is calculated constantly to maintain a high precision on the blockchain.

Early-Bird Calculation NEW


The early-bird Enno Cash reward will be unlocked gradually within two years after the launch, on a per-block basis.

The average block time on the Waves blockchain is ~ 1 minute, so the number of blocks will create during two years are 1.051.200 (2 × 365 × 24 × 60) blocks. The number of Enno Cash you can claim will increase with each block.

For example, if your “early_bird reward” is 10,000 Enno Cash, your maximum claim amount after the launch:

  • ~0,57077626 Enno Cash/hour
  • ~13,6986301 Enno Cash/day
  • ~95,890411 Enno Cash/week
  • ~416,666667 Enno Cash/month
  • ~5.000 Enno Cash/year
  • ~10.000 Enno Cash/2 years

Welcome to the future of finance! Be your own bank with Enno Wallet.

Here is the Update Details:

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