Guide: How to Secure your Enno Wallet

Enno Security
Enno Wallet & Enno Cash
4 min readSep 4, 2021


Security is a lifestyle. Hackers consider “humans” as the weakest chain of security. No matter how secure your mobile applications, wallets, and software are, using them without paying attention to security best practices may lead to the losses of your assets (funds). In this document, we have summarized how you can use Enno Wallet safely in 5 steps.

1. Store the Seed Phrase in the best way possible

The seed words are consist of 15 words & they used to generate a private key that only belongs to you. Accessing your account will be restricted if you lose your seed words. Nobody, even the Enno Wallet team, will be able to recover your account in such a case. You need to store your seed words in the best way possible.

So, what does “in the best way possible” mean? Anyone who has access to these 15 words can take control of all your savings by regenerating your private key. And this is irreversible. That is why we recommend that you do not store your seed words in an online environment. Instead, you should store them in an offline environment such as a notebook, and most importantly, in a way that nobody has access to them. If you consider storing your seed words in a password manager or vault, you need to make sure that the software is completely safe, that is to say, end-to-end encrypted. In addition, you should ensure that the password manager or vault can be accessed only with 2FA or MFA.

Never take a screenshot of your seed words! Nowadays, many users upload their photos automatically to cloud services such as iCloud, Google Drive or Dropbox. It is a very dangerous idea to upload the screenshot you take. That is why you should not store a screenshot or a photo of your seed words.

2. Use biometrics with a PASSCODE

Today, many smartphones have biometric security measurements such as fingerprint sensors or face/eye recognition. A PASSCODE is required to use Enno Wallet. We recommend that you activate the biometrics or Face ID feature in the Settings for maximum security.

We have a special feature that allows you to reset your PASSCODE if you forget it (please remember that it is only available for PASSCODE. You can reset your PASSCODE by adding your e-mail address in the Settings if you forget it. This feature is all about your PASSCODE, and it does not work for your seed words.

!Remember! We have no access to your seed words and cannot recover them.

3. Do not use EnnoWallet in rooted, Jailbroken devices with any other illegal software

Using your wallets, where you store your financial assets, on rooted Android devices or Jailbroken iOS devices is highly risky. Enno Wallet keeps your seed words encrypted in your device’s Keystone or Keychain.

However, we recommend that you do not use Enno Wallet in rooted, Jailbroken, or software-processed smartphones because the security of these smartphones is never ensured.

4. Do not use illegal or fake applications

The only free cheese is in the mousetrap. Illegal, cracked, fake, and pirated applications mostly contain malicious software. Installing such applications on your mobile phone may cause many problems regarding privacy, security, and even your digital assets being stolen.

We certainly do not recommend using illegal, fake, or pirated applications in devices where you use Enno Wallet. These applications are released into the market to steal data that belong to you.

5. Always be careful about scammers, phishing attempts, and fake applications

Today, the software is much more secure than in the past thanks to security researchers. Now, finding vulnerabilities directly in the software is very costly, tiring, and has a very long process to perform. That is why hackers often go with “tricking the user” which is a much easier method.

Enno Wallet or no employee of Enno Wallet will ask you for your seed words. They will also not ask you to send money. We recommend that you be cautious against fake applications, scammers, and all phishing attacks that may find you, and do not take action without checking them first.

Choose Enno Wallet to Step into Decentralized Finance and #beyourownbank

