What is Enno Wallet Swap & How Does it Work?

Serkan Bayar
Enno Wallet & Enno Cash
3 min readJul 15, 2021


Enno Wallet users can swap their tokens directly from their wallets. Are you interested? Let’s deep dive into decentralized swaps.

Enno Wallet swap allows you to instantly swap any asset which is supported on Enno Wallet to any other supported digital asset including algorithmic stablecoins on our mobile wallet. You can swap from Bitcoin to Neutrino USD for example or Ethereum for Waves or Neutrino USD for Neutrino Euro. It’s totally up to you.

visit https://www.ennowallet.com/swap to learn more

Enno Wallet fetches data from swop.fi which is an automated market maker (AMM) that offers different pricing formulas that are most suitable for each specific token pair. The original Flat formula is designed to reduce slippage in a pair of stable coins pegged to the same fiat currency. The classic Constant Product Market Maker formula is used for other pairs.

Enno Wallet makes transactions on the Waves blockchain, ensuring that transactions can be added to the blockchain in just a few seconds and the network fee for a smart contract invocation is only a few cents. Enno Wallet users get the best price and lowest network fees.

In recent months we have seen quite a large-scale adoption of decentralized exchanges. Decentralized exchanges or DEXs for short offer more trading pairs and enable non-custodial swaps. This keeps your funds safer than ever!

We always focus on the best user experience and security. We know that we can democratize access to DeFi applications and reach millions of users.

To swap crypto assets, follow these steps;

1- Tap the swap button in the top middle of your screen

2- Select swap pairs

3- Enter the amount you want to swap

4- Click on the “Swap” button and let Enno Wallet makes your instant swap


Enno Wallet charges “Zero” fees upon your swap. But, there are some fees to make transactions on the blockchain.

Smart Contract fee: A portion of each trade between 0.3% and 0.5% goes to liquidity providers.

Transaction fee: A transaction fee is a fee that an account owner pays to send a transaction in the blockchain. It is only a few cents no matter how much you swap.

To serve the best DeFi experience we set slippage tolerance to 0.1%. Large swaps are often subject to wild price swings when there is insufficient liquidity available on a particular pool. When swapping in Enno Wallet, we fixed slippage tolerance to reduce slippage impact on the final price.

We are aiming for the best DeFi experience for our users by building a single end-to-end experience. We always reduce the friction for new token users, bringing more people into the DeFi ecosystem.

Swap with Enno Wallet in a non-custodian way.

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