Why Should I Use Enno Wallet for Security and Privacy?

Enno Security
Enno Wallet & Enno Cash
2 min readAug 4, 2021
  1. You can easily access all the DeFi applications with one account

Today, there are hundreds or even thousands of DeFi applications. Using many DeFi applications at the same time means dozens of accounts and private keys. As the number of applications used increases, storing delicate data (private key, seed phrase, etc.) safely becomes more challenging.

With Enno Wallet, you can access hundreds of DeFi applications with one account. Thus, safely storing the seed phrases of a single account will be enough. Moreover, you won’t have to deal with tiresome things such as forgetting or losing access to accounts since you won’t be storing and managing the recovery information of hundreds of accounts.

2. Reduce your attack surface area

Using more than one DeFi application with more than one private key (account) increases your attack surface area. It provides hackers and scammers with a large surface area to access you. As Enno Wallet enables you to reach all DeFi applications with a single account, your attack surface area will be minimized. This way, you can securely access all DeFi applications.

3. Only you will have access to your digital identity and assets

Big tech companies want to get all your information, privacy, and financial history so that they can earn money by showing you advertisements. Hence, they try to get hold of your information through free, easy-to-use applications. If you have accounts everywhere, others may find out your identity on the internet and the assets or information related to your identity and use it for various purposes.

By using Enno Wallet, only you will have access to your digital identity and all your digital assets. Avoid the surveillance of big tech companies!

4. Enno Wallet regularly goes through security audits and the bug bounty program constantly looks for vulnerabilities

Security and privacy are always Enno Wallet’s top priorities. This is why we go through regular security audits by independent security teams made up of the best in the security industry. The vulnerabilities found in these audits are fixed quickly to ensure the maximum level of security.

Even if you work with the best, there always be others who are better than you. For this reason, we are carrying out a bug bounty program on Bugbounter where freelance white hat hackers are looking for our security vulnerabilities 24/7.

5. Resistance to Censorship and Prohibitions

Security doesn’t only mean preventing data theft. The safety of your digital identity and digital assets is also being able to access them at your will. With Enno Wallet, you can always access your account and bypass all the censorship regardless of prohibitions and obstructions.

Choose Enno Wallet for safety!

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