An early Happy New Year’s and a magical Cold Moon to Foragers throughout the Forest.

December 29th brought us the final Full Moon of 2020… The Cold Moon, said to symbolize the coming months of frost, and freeze across the lands, let not your heart not grow cold forager… least you let the winter’s chill creep into your chest…

Enoki DeFi Club
Enoki DeFi Club
3 min readJan 4, 2021


2021 brings new promises far and wide across the realms of deFi. CoinVille is under development and marketing efforts are underway to poise it as this year’s biggest handheld deFi title.

In Celebration of the New Year, we ran an event… an event of inspiration if you will, a competition if you must, calling upon the creative artists of Defi to gather for the opportunity to showcase their talent.

The theme was sleeping bears and full moons, and boy did you deliver. Please enjoy the following art and happy new year!

Artist: Don_Lidon

Untitled Submission

Artist: Evgeniia_K

Artist: Peamapple

Artist: Rei Rey

Untitled Submission

Artist: Sele

Untitled Submission

Gif link was deleted

To choose a winner from this batch of submissions is cruel and unusual punishment, and if it were up to Moot you’d all win… With that being said, we left it to the winds to to decide which piece to nominate as the winner and they have decided…

Congratulations to Giulio Villa!!

Thank you to each and every one of you for submitting a piece to this latest competition

Be sure to look forward and stick around our community as more are to be announced in the new year. It is events such as these that show what makes our community so different from the multitude of other Defi projects out there, and from each and everyone of us at enoki we thank you and can’t wait to step into the new year with you.

