Enoki Club Newsletter #2

Mush is happening behind the scenes at Enoki!

Enoki DeFi Club
Enoki DeFi Club
2 min readNov 24, 2020


The Enoki DeFi Club is governed by $ENOKI holders. The spirit of $ENOKI lies in foraging mushrooms at enoki.finance.

Update: All Green Ironwood mushrooms have been harvested. Congratulations, foragers!

If you aren’t caught up, watch this quick overview

Uses for the $ENOKI governance token

You’re now a part-owner to The Enoki DeFi Club. You can vote to multiply or halve the yielding rates of each Mushroom Pool.

Technically speaking, until 15% of all $ENOKI has been minted, voting through the Aaragon DAO cannot happen. At the moment, around 6% of $ENOKI has been minted, and holders may still cast weekly votes on pool emission even though the DAO has not been unlocked.

ENOKI holders can create and vote on proposals here: enoki.aragonid.eth

Upcoming adjustments:

  • We’re completing E2E testing of the voting system. We should be able to deploy it sometime this week.
  • We are completely re-writing our protocol to make $ENOKI harvesting more straightforward, and to make our protocol extensible and deployable for further applications

Upcoming pools:

  • If your community is interested in hosting a $SPORE LP token as a part of your farm, please reach out to our community about a reciprocal pool!
  • The chefs will submit a proposal to the DAO to add a $SPORE<>$JEM pool

Uses for $SPORE

Mushroom Farming is our unique way of fairly launching a DAO. It is an experiment in governance that we will refine and open-source.

However, liquidity isn’t the club’s main focal point. Increasing deFi adoption and incubating promising projects has been. That’s why we’re announcing Enoki “Blooms.”

Enoki “Blooms”

A series of micro-cap raises will be held on continuous bonding curves to bootstrap a diversity of projects that will build value around the club while pushing adoption of decentralized finance.

The tokens held from these bonding curves entitle you to a portion of the profits made from each project. The individual projects are owned by the creators, the Club, and participating partner projects.


  • Description: Cross-platform Farming RPG for crypto-novices to practice yield farming
  • Partners: Design & Game Development by Itchiro, TBD
  • Early access: If you’ve ever held a mushroom or held over 50 $ENOKI or 100 $SPORE on 9/22/20 at 00:00:01
  • Raise: Token holders collectively earn 10% of profits turned through fees in CoinVille

Audio NFT Player

  • Description: Mint, publish and sell music that you own rights to. License, stream, and organize your music NFTs. DRM protection over IPFS
  • Partners: TBA
  • Early access: TBA
  • Raise: TBA

Keep an eye out for posts detailing these two projects.

Join our Enoki DeFi Club 💬

