Enonspiration #12

Enon Avital
Enonspiration השראה
1 min readSep 16, 2016


This is the 12th (and most psychedelic) installment of Enonspiration: where I share people who inspire me. Go check them out and show them some well-deserved love:

Zeb Love

Speaking of psychedelic, Zeb’s mind-blowing illustrations take me back. Every time. I won’t say where to. They just take me. Back. You know, like, “back” back. That.

Jesse Bowser

Jesse shares super clean photography and typography, often together, and nails an impressively consistent color palette. Heart.

Type In Real Life

This is Ari Woeste’s account, dedicated to her #dimensionaltype work, you know, my fave. And it’s all just oh-so-good. Check it.

Lettering Tutorial

On a slightly different note, Tam’s Lettering Tutorial podcast is run at a fantastic pace, and is both inspirational and educational. In other words: open iTunes or Stitcher or whatever, and subscribe the heck out of it. Pronto.

That’s al for now. Have a nice weekend!

