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Enosh Israel
Enosh journal



You are here because you need help staying sane, Unbothered and productive during these trying times. I myself have honestly been feeling hopeless, Disappointed, Unmotivated and mildly annoyed at humanity for the past couple of weeks. However, I was able to regain my focus, Productivity and thus becoming unbothered.


Shutting off social media. This is actually necessary for your mental health. I deleted my Instagram last week and I feel like a weight has lifted off my chest. I have an app that tells me how much time I’m spending on each of the applications on my phone.

The app told me I spend 2 to 3 hours on Instagram everyday on average. I spent twice that amount of time whenever there was a police brutality crisis or when the capitol was being stormed. (Good times ey).

So let’s put that in perspective. There are twenty four hours in a day. I spend about 8 hours sleeping. About seven hours eating and the rest I spent watching law & order.. dum dummm.

In other words you must begin the process of weaning yourself off social media. This is an art form, It will take time but you can do it. Your mental, Emotional, Physical and Spiritual health depends on it.


Stop expecting so much out of people, If you lower your expectations for other people your feelings will not get hurt when they don’t conform to the standards that you set for yourself. What you think is normal may not be normal or right or wrong for someone else.

Be ready to let go. Be ready to forgive. But never forget lest you allow nonsense to happen again. My next tip to becoming unbothered and having the emotional range of an aglet is..

Living to please yourself

While this might sound selfish, It has it’s practical side if used correctly. Living to please other people is draining. Don’t do it. Find your purpose and pursue it. You don’t need permission to seek life, liberty, and happiness. Most people never find these things because they think it comes from the endless accumulation of STUFF. Consumerism is a disease. Less junk, More life is what I always say.


If you talk less, People are less likely to give their unsolicited advice that you probably don’t want to hear. I mean, they still might give their opinion whether you talk or not. But talking less Can lead to a happier life. Personally, I talk to my camera, My friends, but in general I’ve kept my conversations very short and limited.


This last one can be difficult but it is essential to your well being. Go to your bathroom and look in the mirror and practice saying no in various ways. I promise you will have a blast. Add some words to it if you like. For example “No, Get a job little guy I don’t care if you’re five”. You get my point. Just say no and walk away.

Enosh Israel — Enosh Journal Publication.



Enosh Israel
Enosh journal

Just a guy waiting for the zombie apocalypse. In the meantime I’ll write.