Why Telling Your Business

Enosh Israel
Enosh journal
Published in
3 min readMar 12, 2021
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Should Be On A Need To Know Basis

What I will share with you I learned the hard way, So herein lies my suggestion to becoming a more private person. Notice I said suggestion. I don’t think it’s mandatory or extremely important to be a private person. However, Nothing bad comes from not telling people you’re business.


When you tell people all of your business it creates space for negativity and judgment. It gives the appearance that you have no boundaries. I used to tell people my business ie oversharing because I thought I could safely share my dreams and aspirations and everything else with those close to me. Boy was I wrong. I’ll explain why.

Oversharing can and will eventually lead to a problem. Shut your mouth. Think about it. When telling people your business does it enrich their day? No. Does it add joy to their lives? No.

Did anyone actually care? No. These are the three things you should ask yourself before you start bumping your gums. Don’t give people more info than they need to know. Period.


Make it your goal for 2021 to operate on a need to know basis. In regards to my comment on boundaries. When you tell people too much it kind of raises red flags about you as an individual.

When I see people on social media saying things like “omg I’m so glad my friend came this month I thought I might be pregnant” Seriously, That’s just too much information.

It screams to me that they’re seeking validation. Maybe they need an audience because they have self esteem issues. Whatever the case may be, It’s a recipe for disaster. Furthermore, It could indicate that perhaps they are sharing the info that you shared with them. And chances are your gut instincts are right. At the time when I was bumping my gums too much, I failed to consider this, but life sure has a way of teaching us lessons.


I’ve learned that it’s ok NOT to tell people my business. You are not being mean or rude when you keep something to yourself. I think sometimes people misconstrue privacy and the need to be discreet for antisocial behavior. It’s not. It’s not rude to keep your personal life personal.

It is imperative that you keep your goals to yourself. The plans you are working on should be protected from potential dream crushers. These dream crushers are closer to you than you think. Trust me. Most of the time they are not even aware that they just pooped all over your dreams.


If you need to tell it. Tell it when it’s done. Tell them about the big house that you bought only after you are inside drinking tea. Tell them about your career change only after you are successfully employed in that new field.

There is nothing wrong with announcing your accomplishment only after you’ve truly accomplished them. Remember, Never set yourself up to get your feelings hurt. It is what happens when you tell too much of your business.

Enosh Israel — Enosh journal publication



Enosh Israel
Enosh journal

Just a guy waiting for the zombie apocalypse. In the meantime I’ll write.