Enecuum-branded miner lottery

Tony Prikhodko
Published in
2 min readApr 16, 2021

Hello, dear community!

We have a cool and unusual announcement for you today!
Check the video in our telegram channel. There is a lottery event of a good looking Enecuum-branded miner made by @Aleg48!
Here are some specs:
-Custom OS Android 9.
-20 Separate nodes for mining either ENQ or any other tokens based on the Enecuum Blockchain.
-Internet connection via LAN + Wi-Fi ports.
-HDMI Output for a monitor.
-USB port for a flash drive
-Built-in cooling systems for normal operation of a miner
-A wireless mouse

At full capacity, the Miner is able to mine more than 300 ENQ daily

This event takes place from 16.04.2021 to 28.04.2021

To take part, there are a few simple rules:
1. It’s going to be a ticket system.
2. 1 ticket = 1 chance to win, a single entry of the sender’s wallet address into the shared pool
3. 1 ticket = 15 ENQ
4. There is no ticket limit, for example, you send 150 ENQ — you get 10 tickets
5. More tickets -> more chances to win
All tickets will go to randomizer and the winner will be chosen there!

@Aleg48 will manage delivery, but costs are on winner

Here is the ENQ wallet to send your tokens:

