Enecuum Sticker Challenge has been extended!

Tony Prikhodko
Published in
1 min readSep 2, 2021

Hello, dear community!
Due to the not very large number of sticker packs sent, we are extending the Sticker Challenge for another week!

We hope that during this time you will have time to come up with and send truly cool works! During this time, we have already managed to get very high-quality packages, but in total there are still too few works to identify the winner.

Let’s sum it up:

- sticker pack with 5 ENQ themed stickers
- 4 winners
- 1st place — 7,000 ENQ prize
- 2–4th — 1,000 ENQ prize

Send your works directly to telegram @GTKirk or to the Google Form then wait for the winner announcement! Graphics are not the main thing. Stickers should penetrate into the very heart and be remembered!

Starting Date: Now!
Ending Date: September 10 2021, 2:00 PM UTC+0

Good luck to you! May the creativity be with you!

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