November Monthly Development Report

Tony Prikhodko
Published in
4 min readDec 3, 2021

Hello, dear community! Today we want to share with you our brand new Monthly Development Report. It consists of 2 parts. The short groups of news were split into 4 parts for you to make it more convenient to read, and more detailed news below the short ones. Those you could’ve seen in our Reddit r/ENQBlockchain/ and r/EnecuumDev/.

Enecuum Dev News.

We’ve faced an issue that created a delay in starting PoW tests in BIT with mining rewards in ENQ. We fought this battle tight and fixed the problem. Besides, we’ve added support of the transaction signing via Chrome Extension, ready for you to try in BIT if you wish! Also, now you can search through token balances, use the “undelegate all” button and view the expected time when undelegated funds will be available for transfer.

⚡️We found an issue with syncing of the multithreaded PoW that was released in BIT. We were aimed to make a fix. This created a delay in starting PoW tests in BIT with mining rewards in ENQ. Right now the problem is solved.

⚡️Web wallet now supports transaction signing via Enecuum Chrome Extension. You can try it in BIT: Also, we added some nice quality of life features: you can search through token balances, use the “undelegate all” button and view the expected time when undelegated funds will be available for transfer. These features will be added to the mainnet web wallet as well.

We made some adjustments to Enecuum Ledger, which includes bringing a signing key display feature to the Enecuum Ledger app. As well, we are expanding seed phrase features to our Chrome Extension, look for it in BIT as soon as it is ready! Last but not least, we are updating Pulse web wallet with new UI features published in BIT, including a lookup feature of tokens to send and additional warnings about undelegation transfer lock time, plus a BIT version warning about web wallet mismatch.

⚡️With Ledger we managed to run the Enecuum app on the latest firmware, now we create persistent settings for the app. We find it unsecure that many popular Ledger apps do not show the exact key used during the signing. So we are bringing a signing key display feature to the Enecuum Ledger app.

⚡️Enecuum Chrome Extension is under-expanding seed phrase features. We change the UI, separating accounts derived from the seed, Ledger, and bare private keys. We hope it will be ready for release in BIT soon.

⚡️We have updated Pulse web wallet with new UI features published in BIT. Some tweaks were added today to the BIT web wallet as well. These include a lookup feature of tokens to send and additional warnings about undelegation transfer lock time. For BIT version a warning about web wallet and extension network mismatch.

We mastered persistent storage options for Ledger App settings, hopefully, this will resolve the issues we faced during Ledger Setup. Also updated a Web wallet “Network Mismatch” feature with a bit refined user interface: extended “Network mismatch” information in case of different networks in web-wallet and Chrome extension. It is a temporary solution as we hope that in the future extension will handle all node API requests from a site. But it requires more work on the web3 library.

⚡️We mastered persistent storage options for Ledger App settings. Nano X Ledger App development is facing the same kind of issues as Nano S recently with different firmware and SDK versions. We hope it will be the same solution.

⚡️Web wallet “Network mismatch” update. BIT web wallet is updated with a bit refined user interface: extended “Network mismatch” information in case of different networks in web-wallet and Chrome extension. It is a temporary solution as we hope that in the future extension will handle all node API requests from a site. But it requires more work on the web3 library.

ENEX Dev News:

For ENEX, the team works hard, but there are a lot of things to do. We are still testing Space Station functions, locating bugs, fixing them, and continuing our tests. Besides, we are developing a routing feature, finding the best way to deliver it in a series of stages with each stage bringing features for users, you can read more about it (below). With that, we are updating Enex Dex User Interface, adding swap price info, including the display of liquidity provider fees!

⚡️Space Station test continues. We found a bug with improper nonexistent token handling, fixed it, and now repeat tests.

⚡️Enex routing feature is under development. We have several approaches in mind with their own pros and cons. Our goal now is to find the best way to deliver routing in a series of stages with each stage bringing features for users. This decomposition defines what approach will be taken at first. The general idea behind routing is to allow the lowest slippage trades in a 1Inch way but with on-chain support protecting the best route from time shifts Off-chain/L2 solutions can find the optimal route at the time of sending a swap transaction. We want to bring the optimal route at the time of execution of a transaction.

⚡️Dex UI minor update. is updated with swap price impact info added. Also, the swap interface now displays liquidity provider fees. Please note, it will be zero for liquidity pools created before the release of LP fees.

If you want more info about Enecuum Development or something else about our project, please follow the links down below.

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