The Next Steps in Shaping the Future of the Enecuum Network

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15 min readAug 18, 2023

The Enecuum transformation

The Enecuum team has come a long way since 2017, starting with innovative ideas like freigeld tokenomics, high transaction speed and using Petri net as a smart contract creation interface. To accomplish this tremendous task, $2M had been raised. By the end of 2018, however, there was barely a part of that amount left. The team squeezed out a huge restructuring and continued its work.

We then developed groundbreaking solutions such as the Trinity protocol (combining PoS, PoW, and PoA)s, mobile nodes in 120 countries, an on-chain referral system, ID-based cryptography, and a mainnet that has been running for over 2.5 years. Additionally, we built our own decentralized exchange (DEX) and several cross-chain bridges. Now we have Enecuum Ecosystem of products and services: Trinity v1.0 protocol (SDK/API), Mobile wallet (android / iOS), PWA iOS and Android miners, Web wallet, Browser extension, Mobile miner APK, White label mobile miner APK, Invoice system, Blockchain explorer, Enecuum Token Machine, PoS node, PoW node, ENEX.SPACE, Space Bridge.

Since 2017, our team has devoted immense effort to our project, achieving significant milestones. Over this period, we have fine-tuned our tokenomics twice, both times directing our efforts towards emission (max supply) reduction. This strategy led to a substantial decrease in the maximum token supply, from an initial 4 billion to the current 350 million.

The recent launch of our bridge marks a monumental achievement. Looking ahead, we eagerly anticipate further enhancements to the bridge, the introduction of decentralized validators, and the unveiling of Trinity 2.0, complete with its revolutionary DVRF technology and MEV protection. These innovations represent breakthroughs that are poised to reshape the technological landscape, meeting the market’s burgeoning demands.

However, as we assess the network’s current state in mid-2023, reflecting on the foundational award structure formulated in 2017, we recognize the imperative of adaptability to remain competitive and appealing to users. Acknowledging this necessity, we have arrived at a pivotal decision. The network demands a profound transformation, one that involves the integration of new award mechanics. This strategic shift signifies our commitment to evolving with the industry, ensuring our continued relevance and attractiveness in the dynamic crypto market.

New network incentives

The upcoming update will introduce exciting new features to the network, including DVRF participants Rewards and Bridge Node Validators Rewards.

DVRF, which stands for Decentralized Verifiable Random Function, is a critical component in the realm of blockchain technology. It ensures fairness and verifiability in generating random values, which is essential for various applications. With Trinity DVRF, smart contracts will have secure and reliable access to random values. Developers using EVM-Like networks such as Ethereum, BSC, Arbitrum, Polygon, Avalanche, Optimism, Fantom, and others can seamlessly integrate provably fair random number generation (RNG) into their projects. This integration is achieved without compromising security or usability, thanks to the seamless cross-chain integration provided by Trinity DVRF.

In addition, the network will introduce new validators for the bridge, which play a crucial role in facilitating cross-chain transactions. Enecuum Network aims to achieve the highest level of decentralization by encouraging as many validator nodes as possible to participate in this process. To incentivize participation, the network has implemented a rewards system from the Network incentives fund. Validator node operators will receive weekly rewards for their contribution to the network’s operations.

Also the team wants to share our vision to business plan for the Network:

Trinity 2.0

Trinity 2.0 addresses this problem head-on by introducing a carefully crafted approach to block creation, prioritizing censorship resistance and transaction order fairness.

The protocol incorporates advanced transaction pending privacy, ensuring robust protection against unauthorized access. Additionally, Trinity 2.0 introduces the concept of Proof of Activity (PoA) nodes, involving real individuals with competing economic interests, enhancing security, randomness generation, and election participation.

Trinity 2.0 also innovated the mining algorithm by combining elements of Proof of Work (PoW), Proof of Activity (PoA) and verifiable delay functions for Proof of Stake (PoS) control. This unique approach strikes a balance between efficiency and security, providing a stable foundation for the network. Furthermore, Trinity 2.0 maintains compatibility with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), ensuring seamless integration with existing dApps and facilitating mass adoption. By forking Ethereum, Enecuum aims to collaborate with Ethereum’s vision for mobile nodes, fostering innovation and growth in the blockchain ecosystem.

With Trinity 2.0, Enecuum Network envisions a future where blockchain solutions are secure, fair, and efficient. This transformative protocol represents a significant step forward in addressing industry challenges, unlocking the full potential of decentralized applications and paving the way for widespread adoption.


The marketing plan for the Enecuum Network is adaptable to seize opportunities and respond to the market situation. It comprises seven key components: Utilities, Liquidity, Listings, Performance, DVRF, Ecosystem, Community, and Trinity brand.


Our goal is to engage as many users as possible in the innovative features of the Enecuum ecosystem. This includes promoting validator nodes, DVRF technology, liquidity pool creation, token issuance, stacking, and mining. We will actively promote these features within the crypto community and refine user guides to ensure a seamless onboarding experience. Additionally, we will launch incentive programs for active users, localize our offerings, and involve the community in decision-making through voting. Collaborations with influential figures in the crypto space will attract new users and drive demand for the ENQ token.


Our efforts to attract liquidity will focus on increasing the number of ENEX.SPACE users and leveraging bridges to integrate liquidity from popular networks. By integrating the DeFi platform with aggregators and forming strategic partnerships, we aim to attract new users to the ENEX.SPACE ecosystem. Collaborating with DeFi influencers will provide crucial support for our liquidity attraction initiatives, while engaging major liquidity providers will be a priority.


Listing ENQ on new exchanges and establishing liquidity pools are essential components of our marketing plan. We are actively exploring listing opportunities on centralized exchanges. Given the volatile nature of the market, the choice of exchanges for listing may vary. All listing decisions and liquidity pool creations will be subject to a community vote, ensuring a democratic and inclusive approach to network management.


Our primary focus will be on increasing liquidity and trading volume for the ENQ token. This will be achieved through stimulating demand for the native token and collaborating with traders and their audiences on a global and local scale.


The DVRF technology is a cornerstone of our future ecosystem. It will receive dedicated attention from our development and business teams. Our primary objective is to attract DVRF customers, not only to generate demand for the native coin and reduce inflationary pressure through burning reward money but also to provide additional profits to Enecuum nodes.


In our efforts to foster a thriving community, we have outlined a range of initiatives that we intend to implement. These include the creation of a weekly news format, hosting Ask Me Anything (AMA) sessions and cross-community AMAs, enhancing our Ambassador programs, organizing PoS Challenges, launching programs to incentivize active participation in chats, expanding local community rewards, conducting diverse Challenges, and actively seeking to attract new participants.


We will foster ecosystem development through partnerships with new projects and grants for development teams to create essential functionality. Hackathons will also play a vital role in promoting innovation within our ecosystem.

Enecuum > Trinity brand transformation

Enecuum Network, a blockchain that has been making waves in the industry, is undergoing a significant transformation. The project has decided to embark on a rebranding initiative, unveiling its new identity as Trinity Network.

The decision to rename the network to Trinity stems from a profound desire to align the new ideology and vision of Trinity 2.0 with a network name that encapsulates its core principles and values. Trinity Network resonates far more effectively with the project’s mission and goals, fostering improved communication and understanding among the vibrant community that surrounds it. This rebranding effort represents a clear commitment to creating a network that embodies the vision of a decentralized and innovative future.

Beyond ideology, the rebranding serves a strategic purpose of setting Trinity Network apart from its previous incarnation as Enecuum Network. The significant changes in technology, structure necessitated a fresh start, enabling the project to maintain consistency across all aspects. Trinity Network emerges as a powerful embodiment of the network’s evolution, reflecting the culmination of extensive enhancements and advancements.

Trinity Network carries immense potential in terms of market positioning and expanding its reach to a wider audience. The name itself, Trinity, captures the very essence of the network’s capabilities, architectural intricacies, distinctive features, and versatile use cases. This rebranding endeavor positions the project for improved visibility, enabling better market positioning and the possibility of attracting a greater number of users and strategic partnerships. The new identity ignites curiosity, inviting industry players to explore the innovative solutions and possibilities offered by the Trinity Network.

The rebranding of Enecuum Network to Trinity Network represents an exciting chapter in the project’s journey. This strategic move aligns the network with its new ideology, maintains consistency throughout the project, and opens doors to enhanced market positioning. With the Trinity Network, the project is poised to continue its trajectory of growth, innovation, and impact in the blockchain industry.

Building a strong reputation and brand perception for the Trinity Ecosystem is of utmost importance. This entails cultivating a positive image within the crypto community that aligns with our company’s goals. Participation in local and international crypto conferences, launching user support and training programs in local markets, and forming educational partnerships are all part of our brand-building efforts. Also we are going to upgrade and make much more stronger and efficient Trinity promotion programs.

Through these comprehensive initiatives, the Trinity Network aims to solidify its position within the crypto community, establish a favorable image and vision for the company, and secure a prominent place among the top 150 cryptocurrency projects in terms of market capitalization.

New ENQ utilities


In the realm of blockchain technology, ensuring fair and verifiable randomness is crucial for various applications. Trinity DVRF (Decentralized Verifiable Random Function) will enable smart contracts to access random values securely and reliably. By leveraging Trinity DVRF, developers in EVM-Like networks (Ethereum, BSC, Arbitrum, Polygon, Avalanche, Optimism, Fantom and etc.) will be able to integrate provably fair random number generation (RNG) into their projects without compromising security or usability. All thanks to seamless cros-schain integration.

The process begins with Trinity DVRF generating one or more random values in response to each request. What sets Trinity DVRF apart is its ability to produce a cryptographic proof, detailing precisely how these random values were derived and total decentralization of involved nodes. This proof is then published and verified on the blockchain before being made available for use by consuming applications. By following this rigorous on-chain verification process, Trinity DVRF ensures that the generated results cannot be tampered with or manipulated by any single entity, including oracle operators, miners, users, or smart contract developers.

To achieve its decentralized and trustworthy nature, Trinity DVRF leverages the unique consensus algorithm of the Trinity Network. The Verifiable Random Function computation takes place within the network, incorporating both Proof of Stake (PoS) and Proof of Activity (PoA) nodes. This distributed approach ensures that the computation is performed in a decentralized manner, impervious to any manipulation.

Trinity DVRF offers a wide range of use cases:

  • Building blockchain games and NFTs: Randomness plays a pivotal role in creating unique gaming experiences and determining the rarity of non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Trinity DVRF provides a reliable source of verifiable randomness, enhancing the fairness and excitement of blockchain-based games and NFT collections.
  • Random assignment of duties and resources: In various scenarios, it is essential to assign tasks or allocate resources randomly. Trinity DVRF enables fair and transparent random assignment, removing any biases or potential manipulations from the process. This feature proves particularly useful in decentralized organizations and distributed systems.
  • Choosing a representative sample for consensus and governance mechanisms: Consensus mechanisms often rely on representative samples to make informed decisions. Trinity DVRF ensures the selection process is based on verifiably random values, preventing any potential bias or undue influence. This application is crucial for achieving robust and fair consensus in blockchain networks.

To incentivize participation and ensure the sustainability of Trinity DVRF, users have two options for payment when requesting generated numbers: native network tokens or ENQ tokens. In each supported network, there will be a liquidity pool Native token to ENQ. For this purpose a portion of the newly issued ENQ tokens will be set aside. Once the payment is made, 50% of the value is awarded to the nodes involved in the computation process, while the remaining 50% is used to buy back ENQ tokens, which are subsequently burned. This burning process not only contributes to reducing inflation but also enhances the scarcity and value of ENQ tokens, making them increasingly sought after in the market.

Bridge Nodes

Users will have the opportunity to run bridge nodes, which play a crucial role in facilitating cross-chain transactions. To ensure the highest level of decentralization, Trinity Network aims to encourage as many validator nodes as possible to participate in this process. As a result, the network has implemented a rewards system from the Network incentives fund, providing weekly rewards to operators of validator nodes.

It’s important to note that validator nodes are a unique form of nodes, distinct from regular network nodes, as they do not directly belong to the network nor participate in the consensus mechanism. This distinction allows for the integration of bridge functionality into the protocol without causing significant improvements to the network’s architecture.

By encouraging the community to run validator nodes, Trinity Network aims to bolster the security of the Bridge. Space bridge nodes will serve as validators for all supported networks, eliminating the need for separate nodes for each network. This approach streamlines the process and ensures a more efficient and secure bridge infrastructure.

The Bridge is initially set to support Ethereum, Polygon, Binance Smart Chain (BSC), and, of course, Trinity Network itself. This means that users will be able to send tokens adhering to the ERC-20 standard quickly, securely, and without liquidity fragmentation. Looking ahead, Trinity Network has plans to expand its supported networks and token formats, opening up even more possibilities for seamless cross-chain transactions.

The launch of the Space Bridge represents a significant milestone for the Trinity Network, bringing enhanced decentralization and interoperability to the ecosystem. With the support of validator nodes, the bridge ensures a robust and secure connection between various networks, facilitating the efficient flow of assets and data. As Trinity Network continues to grow and evolve, the Space Bridge stands as a testament to the network’s commitment to innovation and expanding the boundaries of blockchain technology.

Trinity Network, the tokenomic reshaping

We also realize that we set the bar very high for ourselves and to reach such heights we need to redesign tokenomics.

And this is how we see the updated tokenomics for the Trinity network:

Calculation with different mint amount

The first unlock will take place with a new tokenomics implementation.

Holder’s Fair drop

Upon the conclusion of the voting process, all users who hold ENQ tokens within the Trinity network (including farms or drops, PoS nodes, and wallets) will receive an additional bonus. The snapshot for holders’ drop distribution will be made randomly in the range of blocks between 6,166,685 (23.08.2023 12:00 pm utc+0) and 6,174,600 (24.08.2023 9:00 pm utc+0). To take part in this drop you have to send ENQs from exchangies to your wallet in the Enecuum network. All ENQ on farms, drops, PoS validators, PoA nodes, Voting (governance) pools, and wallets(excluded exchanges wallets) will be accounted for.

For this purpose, a percentage of the future maximum supply, specifically 4%, has been earmarked. This allocation will be utilized to distribute the bonus to eligible users based on their ENQ holdings. There is no lock period. Vesting period: 32 months.

Ecosystem Growth / Grants for developers

This fund will be used for future Strategic Partnerships, Developer Grants, Tools and resources development. It could be used to establish strategic partnerships with other projects, companies, or organizations. These partnerships can provide mutual benefits such as cross-promotion, joint development efforts, shared resources, and increased network effects. Also it will be used to offer grants to developers and teams building on their platform. These grants incentivize and support the creation of innovative applications, tools, and services that enhance the project’s ecosystem and user experience.

For this purpose, a percentage of the future maximum supply, specifically 10%, has been earmarked. There is no lock period. Vesting period: 32 months.

Listings and Liquidity

The purpose of the Listings and Liquidity fund is to facilitate the listing of the ENQ token on centralized exchanges (CEXes) and provide liquidity on decentralized exchanges (DEXes). The fund will be utilized for activities such as market making, exchange-related expenses, and other initiatives aimed at enhancing token liquidity and accessibility.

For this purpose, a percentage of the future maximum supply, specifically 10%, has been earmarked. There is no lock period. Vesting period: 10 months.

Marketing programs

This fund is designed to be used for the marketing plan implementation for the Trinity Network. It’s designed to be flexible and responsive to market conditions, allowing the project to capitalize on opportunities. It consists of seven essential components that drive its success: Utilities, Liquidity, Listings, Performance, DVRF, Ecosystem, Community, and the Trinity brand. These components work together to ensure the project’s growth, adoption, and brand recognition in the market.
For this purpose, a percentage of the future maximum supply, specifically 10%, has been earmarked. There is no lock period. Vesting period: 32 months.

Bug Bounties + сyber sec

It’s a very important fund because both Bug Bounties and Code Audits play significant roles in mitigating security risks and bolstering user trust in the Trinity Network. They demonstrate our commitment to proactive security measures and reinforce its dedication to maintaining a secure and reliable ecosystem for its users.

For this purpose, a percentage of the future maximum supply, specifically 5%, has been earmarked. There is no lock period. Vesting period: 32 months.

Network incentives (PoA/PoW/PoS/BridgeValidator)

The Network Incentives fund can be utilized for various purposes to incentivize and reward participants within the Trinity’s network. It included: PoA, PoS, PoW rewards, referral program, Validator’s node rewards, DVRF rewards, farming rewards, Community Grants and Staking rewards.

For this purpose, a percentage of the future maximum supply, specifically 5%, has been earmarked. There is no lock period. Vesting period: 32 months.


For this purpose, a percentage of the future maximum supply, specifically 18.8%, has been earmarked. There is no lock period. Vesting period: 32 months.

Expenses Balancer Fair Algorithm

Acknowledging the substantial token supply within the updated tokenomics, we have explored a prospective approach. This entails establishing a monthly budget of $120k for the project’s development and setting an annual budget target of $1,4M.

It is important to note that updated tokenomics is aimed only to give Enecuum products enough power to gain the market share it deserves. To make this intention transparent, we want to cap the additional budget in USD straight away.

Is $120k per month a substantial or modest amount? To contextualize this figure, let’s delve into its components: Listing on an exchange typically ranges from $50k to $1M. Market making expenses are projected at approximately $15k each month. Our marketing initiatives are budgeted between $20k to $30k monthly. The current team expenses stand at $35k — $50k monthly. Furthermore, a comprehensive code audit is estimated to amount to around $100k to $150k. We are also planning various developer incentive programs, liquidity pools creation, bug bounty programs.

To make the community the main beneficiary of the additional emission we want to introduce new incentive mechanics. We plan to distribute funds above the specified budgets in USDT (calculated using ENQ price as a minimum of the last two-month time-weighted average price at the moment of unlock, or similar formula to reduce the price volatility) among ENQ holders. And by the “holder”, we actually mean it. Additional emission will be distributed via community not only by the amount of ENQ at the wallet but also based on the time the wallet holds it. It can be done via Enecuum Drop Farms smart contract by dropping EHOLD token for ENQ holders and then distributing the whole community share of the new emission among EHOLD holders in a traditional way (based only on values the wallet possesses).

Note that EHOLD distribution is not connected with the initial unconditional drop (Holder’s drop 4%), but is used as a way to receive the rest of the additional emission (as much as the price might go up) for community members. Another approach is to burn this funds instead of distributing among holders, this should be decided during additional voting.

This strategic course of action not only fortifies equity in the distribution of token benefits but also ensures that any surge in token value translates into tangible advantages for the entire network community.

Voting plan

Stage 1 — Voting announcement and rules

The governance procedure will take place on, specifically in the “Active votes” tab. The voting launch will be announced through the official Enecuum Twitter and Telegram communities. It will commence on block № 6,138,981 (approximately 18.08.2023 4:30 PM UTC+0) and will last until block № 6,155,264 (approximately 21.08.2023 12:20 PM UTC+0).

Every Enecuum holder can participate in this voting. The snapshot taken on block № 6,155,264 will determine the “winning” variant. In the event that two or more variants have the same number of votes in the snapshot, a second phase of governance will take place.

You are allowed to re-vote as many times as you wish until the snapshot block is issued. Once the snapshot block is issued, you can revoke all your undelegated votes from voting farms.

Stage 2 — Voting

We present the following options to the community for voting:

  • Extend Max Supply to 2,500,000,000 ENQ
  • Extend Max Supply to 3,500,000,000 ENQ
  • Extend Max Supply to 5,000,000,000 ENQ

You can review the tokenomics for each option via link.

Stage 3 — Results announcement

The governance results will be published 24 hours after the voting ends. The results will be shared on the official Enecuum Twitter, Telegram, and Medium channels.

Stage 4 — Implementation plan

The selected variant will be implemented on the blockchain within 7 days from the announcement of the results.




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