Trinity Grand Finale. What's going on?

Tony Prikhodko
Published in
4 min readMar 23, 2022

Trinity is described in the Enecuum Tech paper, supported with articles and conference talks. Why do we go back to the research phase?

It’s easy: five years in crypto can be compared to eternity. Initial ideas from a white paper with first research results from a tech paper need to be on par with DeFi, layer two, and interblockchain solutions.

Therefore, we want to adjust Trinity for the current market and technology state. It is essential to utilize unique PoA nodes that distinguish Trinity from other protocols.

To achieve both goals, we are focused on the MEV problem. Here you can find the current data that confirms this problem. Moreover, Ethereum community has plenty of cooperated researchers involved in making MEV (Maximal Extractable Value) more visible for the outside world. Also, there are some protocols with unknown amount of MEV. And it’s scary to create DApps and DAOs which based on such protocols. Because this leads to a lack of UX protection, and an increase in the possibility to search for your own information on the black market.

Precisely speaking, we introduce the front-run protection, and robust pseudorandom generators. The former feature is significant for proper DeFi operations, and the last one is vital for games which are based on blockchain (including the latest trends with play-to-earn NFT games).

But alters in Trinity, which are planned, require a qualitative analysis, as every aspect of the protocol is connected. Not only in terms of security and efficiency, but also in the affecting tasks that we intended to implement this year. Let’s have a look.

Smart Contract Machine. When will I write my contracts? I really (don’t) want to see EVM here.

There are a lot of pros and cons. Recklessly roughly speaking, EVM is bad for ordinary users, and good for business growth on the top of the network. It is no wonder we want to get both. Initial concept of simple, easy-to-use, and cheap contracts still seems to us as our own approach to smart contracts, but Enecuum needs big players for reaching the next level of utility. That’s exactly why we need EVM as the modern standard of smart. However, there are a lots of successful cases of implementing EVM in non-Ethereum core blockchain. Thus, we explore them, and design a solution. And here is a good time to remember initial plans to make Enecuum as a multi-chain network. There were no practical reasons for that before, but now we had one.

Ecosystem. There are extremely juicy features, described under the “ecosystem” section, I want to use them right now!

We want you to do it too! But… our duty is not only to make it reliable, but we need to make good efficiency not only at the time of release, but also make the ecosystem maintainable, ready to evolve with the network. Trinity adjustments and smart contracts tasks promise us a double work if we build plans without two-steps ahead.

All the aforementioned applies primarily to the Decentralised bridge. As for Enex, we have made cross-pair routing swaps, and now we test it. Also, we’ve made a small pause for Ledger to concentrate resources on research tasks that affect a lot of features.

API for life. I tried to display mining earnings in a custom token for my users in an app based on a whitelabel miner… And broke my eyes. What’s next?

On the one hand, we make a complete BIT explorer API description, and on the other hand, we create a v2.0 API with a GraphQL interface. We had several takes on the events system that should power up all the main features from API sections, but, again, Trinity and smart contracts should be handled first.

PWA. I want to mine in a web browser, how long should I wait?

Actually, we’ve made a prototype for this. But it takes significantly more time to create a usable product. The same goes to desktop wallets, even without mining. Also, we’ve missed one important feature a mobile support for web3enq library. Now we are implementing it. The main application here is to trade ENEX from mobile devices.

Hey! Here should be more!

Yes, you are right. We have skipped a couple of roadmap themes. We will address it in the future work. Be sure!

And, yes, there was more as we didn’t recap our BIT and Pulse releases covering ENEX, PoW, PWA, API improvement.

Join us, and be a part of the future!

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