Announcing Our Updated Plans & Pricing — EnquireLabs

Emil Matti
Published in
2 min readDec 16, 2021

With our rollout of Question Stream™ now in full effect, it’s time to bring our clients around to the big picture, and what it means to operationalize DFC!

As a direct-to-consumer brand in the post-cookie era, you no longer have to beat traditional retail brands at their own game. You’ve got your own game, thanks to direct customer relationships — and the key to winning that game, of course, is understanding your customer better than a competitor could. It’s a huge shift in ecommerce and beyond, without a doubt. But: in order to win, you need to talk to your customers often, and turn what you learn into actionable operations.

Our new plan structure is built to help you achieve that goal. Having moved from feature-based pricing to order-based, every single EnquireLabs client now has access to a programmable timeline of questions via Question Stream™, follow-up questions via Response Clarification, and full export + integration capabilities to send each question’s responses to the part of your business that can best operationalize the insights and automate actions.

On our end, the new order-based model provides a more predictable foundation for building & shipping our roadmap — here’s a peek into what’s coming!

  • Advanced functionality and automation in Question Stream™
  • API access and SDK rollout
  • Brand new analytics & reporting dashboards
  • Integration of our ever-growing Question Bank

In short, our new plans incentivize learning more about your customers, and applying that knowledge more effectively. If you’re a DTC brand who isn’t consistently engaging your customers for feedback and insights, you’re gonna have a bad time — and we want to make sure EnquireLabs’ success coincides with yours, so this new pricing model front-loads all the opportunity to make that happen.

Of course, we’re always here to chat if you have any questions… and we love to hear how you’re making the most of Question Stream™!

If you’re not an EnquireLabs customer yet, give us 86 seconds of your time below, and we’ll give you a 14-day trial to start building your pipeline of proprietary consumer insights — your evergreen competitive advantage.

Originally published at

