Simplify Customer Segmentation with Enquire and Shopify Flow

Matt Bahr
Published in
3 min readFeb 19, 2019

Enquire’s Shopify Flow Connector allows brands to leverage their post-purchase survey responses to automate their workflows and become better marketers.

We’re excited to announce Enquire’s new Shopify Flow integration. Our connector helps Enquire customers improve customer segmentation and further analyze their survey results by connecting Enquire survey data to Shopify and other apps.

“Enquire’s connector enables merchants to automatically push survey insights to their ESP, Google Sheet, Slack, and a whole host of other apps adding a very important data layer into a marketers tool set.” says Anthony Kentris, Product Marketing Manager at Shopify Plus.

Shopify Flow makes it easy for brands to leverage data from one application and use it to improve customer data or automate tasks in another. The major benefit of Shopify Flow is its ability to save time in performing tasks that used to be done manually.

Brands use a multitude of apps to improve their customers’ experience and it’s often difficult to get these apps to talk to each other. Flow solves that problem.

How does it work?

A workflow is built with three elements:

  • Trigger — Start of a workflow from an event in Shopify or an app
  • Condition — Set conditions that determine if a workflow should run
  • Action — End of a workflow with a task actioned in a store or an app

Enquire’s first trigger for Shopify Flow allows you to activate automated workflows across multiple apps using survey response data: New Survey Response

The New Survey Response trigger gives you access to the below variables that you can use in your conditions and actions.

  • Customer Name
  • Email
  • Order Id
  • Order Number
  • Order Total
  • Question
  • Response
  • Referring Site
  • UTM source, medium, campaign

Leveraging The Power of Survey Data in Other Apps

One great way to utilize Enquire’s trigger and survey data is to automatically improve customer segmentation in Klaviyo–previously a manual process that involved exporting and importing data. Shopify Flow makes this seamless and real-time.

To start, simply create a workflow that’s triggered by Enquire’s New Survey Response. Under “Track an Event”, select Klaviyo and in the “Customer Properties” field enter the below:

"{{trigger.question}}": "{{trigger.response}}"

Your survey question and response will then be passed to Klaviyo, which can be used for further segmentation. In the example below, this marketer may speak to students differently than s/he speaks to professionals–a great opportunity for improved personalization.

Examples of Other Workflows

  • Push your Enquire survey data to Google Sheets for further analysis (link)
  • Send “other” survey responses to your team in Slack
  • Reward customers for completing your survey in and Loyalty Lion

To turn on the Enquire Flow Connector, simply click the Integrations tab, locate the Flow integration, and click Enable. You’ll need to be on Shopify Plus and have an Enquire Pro plan. We will continue to optimize the Flow experience creating even more possibilities for segmentation and automation in the future.

