And the Tower of Babel was demolished… in Roblox

Enrique Dans
Enrique Dans
Published in
3 min readFeb 7, 2024


IMAGE: A black and white representation of the Tower of Babel very badly built, with sections that don’t fit, due to the chaos created by humans speaking different languages
IMAGE: Gordon Johnson — Pixabay

The Tower of Babel is a myth and a parable, likely originating from a Sumerian legend and subsequently reproduced in various books considered sacred by several religions, which seeks to explain why humans speak different languages, as a divine punishment for attempting to emulate their creations.

Although mythology served its purpose in simplifying certain concepts for generally less-educated populations, the most likely — and much less poetic — explanation for the origin of languages is simply the geographical dispersion of humans, and the independent development and evolution of communication systems among people over generations, with clear evidence of contamination derived from progressive contact between civilizations, adoption of representation systems, or adoption of terms demonstrating the conditions of that process.

The idea of achieving a human race capable of demolishing the remnants of that mythical Tower of Babel, capable of understanding each other perfectly despite speaking different languages, has long been considered one of the goals of technology. As translation development progresses, we have more opportunities to achieve the ideal of a person expressing themselves in their language, with the recipients of their communication receiving it in theirs, enabling instant understanding. However, despite the many times…



Enrique Dans
Enrique Dans

Professor of Innovation at IE Business School and blogger (in English here and in Spanish at