Elon Musk has to make a decision about the future of Community Notes

Enrique Dans
Enrique Dans
Published in
3 min readOct 9, 2023


IMAGE: An X pop up asking a user to contribute with a Community Note to fact check an update

Community Notes is a feature that allows X users who have generally stuck to the rules, terms of use and privacy policies of what we used to call Twitter, as well as being very active over a number of years; and who have verified their phone number, to add explanatory notes that provide context to the updates of others. Basically, it’s fact checking to prevent fake news or disinformation. The notes can be assessed by the community, which in turn subjects them to a certain collective control.

The feature replaced Birdwatch, introduced on Twitter in January 2021. After Elon Musk bought the company, he commented that he was not convinced by the name, and made some alterations he claimed would make it a game changer, sticking to this even when Community Notes have been used to correct him. The feature has proven its value in numerous cases, with notes and points of all kinds to many user updates to content posted by Donald Trump and many others, and is widely respected for empowering the user community.

However, communities have their peculiarities, and one of them is that, since registering to contribute Community Notes is relatively simple, and once done, anyone can create one simply from their context menu or through an online form, quite a few users have signed up to fact check the advertising found on…



Enrique Dans
Enrique Dans

Professor of Innovation at IE Business School and blogger (in English here and in Spanish at enriquedans.com)