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Facial recognition and future scenarios

Enrique Dans
Enrique Dans
Published in
4 min readJul 2, 2018


We seem to be heading into a future where facial recognition technologies are going to be part of everyday life. Cities all over the world are now bristling with cameras, and in the case of China it is impossible to avoid being monitored either by CCTV or even by police wearing special glasses and then logged onto a database that checks on your habits, your social credit and even who your friends are.

At the same time, cameras and facial recognition are increasingly being used in public and private buildings. In a bid to prevent gun attacks, some schools in the United States are now installing facial recognition systems, which is probably of questionable use, given that most rampages are carried out by students whose faces will already be on a database and have access to the premises. Civil rights groups such as the ACLU say facial recognition cameras don’t belong in schools, since they are invasive and create problems for women and non-whites.

In China, some schools are now testing systems to monitor student performance and to check whether they are paying attention in class. Algorithms are used to interpret facial expressions. Another family of technologies, emotional surveillance, is already in use in the Chinese army and in several private companies, this involves placing wireless sensors in caps or hats that can read brain waves and then decide when someone needs a break or to be assigned a new task, all in the name of greater efficiency.

Are we moving towards a future of permanent monitoring using technologies of this type? Some pundits say facial recognition technologies are here to stay, and that the best we can do is simply to accept it as one more aspect of the societies of the future. Techno-fatalistic attitudes of this type assume that adoption incentives based on fear or possible increases in productivity are so powerful that we have no choice but to accept these new realities. That said, we are not going to be asked by our governments if we want this technology, while passive resistance by wearing glasses, hats or other elements seems pretty futile.

What should we in the education sector do if facial recognition is now going to be part of life? At IE Business School, where we have the WoW Room, an interactive classroom with 45 square meters of screens in which students work from home or wherever, we tested an engagement algorithm that allows the teacher to work out which students are paying attention and which are bored or distracted. It’s possible that students could get used to it, but most said they felt uncomfortable about a technology that could affect their grades. We resolved to use it fundamentally as a real-time alert to the teacher: if you see a spike in bored or distracted students, it probably means that the content, the discussion or some other aspect of teaching is not working, and you should take action to improve the lesson in some way.

How would the use of cameras, brainwave monitoring systems or algorithms affect us at work? Typically, they might be used for monitoring or even to warn or sack people who break the rules. That said, a bored or distracted worker is not necessarily non-productive. Environments subject to a control of this type already exist in companies such as Crossover, where supervisors constantly evaluate each ten-minute work period of their team using monitoring tools such as WorkSmart, which compile statistics about the applications and websites each contractor has opened, the time spent on them, keystrokes and mouse movements, and, every 10 minutes, randomly and without warning, take a photo of you using your webcam and save a screenshot. More than 1,500 people in 80 countries are monitored in this way, with the company only paying for time it considers used to the full.

In future scenarios where work is voluntary, vocational or not necessary for subsistence thanks to the development of unconditional basic income systems, these types of tools could facilitate payment systems based on criteria that optimize productivity: if the analysis of workers reveals they are tired or distracted, let them have a nap or do something else until they are back on form. Is this a good idea, or a dystopian nightmare? In the not-too-distant future, will facial recognition technologies and the ability to analyze brain waves mean we will be permanently under surveillance? Should schools and colleges be teaching children how this technology works and should we establish ethical standards for their use? Or should we just ignore this technology as if it weren’t happening. Are there any alternatives?

This article appeared previously on Forbes

(En español, aquí)



Enrique Dans
Enrique Dans

Professor of Innovation at IE Business School and blogger (in English here and in Spanish at