Here’s why brands that advertise on TikTok should be ashamed of themselves

Enrique Dans
Enrique Dans
Published in
3 min readAug 6, 2022


IMAGE: The TikTok logo on a black background
IMAGE: Eyestetix Studio — Unsplash

TikTok is set to overtake Facebook in terms of influencer marketing spend this year, and then YouTube in 2024, a shameful milestone that reflects companies’ total lack of ethics and their willingness to invest in any medium that delivers their goals, regardless of its harmful influence on their users or society.

Are you a marketing manager and have you redirected an increasing part of your advertising budget towards TikTok, attracted by its download and consumption figures? If you are and you have, then you should know that you are collaborating with the biggest takeover of a generation that we have experienced in the not-so-short history of the internet: a social network, designed to promote virality and unbridled consumption at all costs, created by a company lacking the most basic ethical principles, that allows any kind of excess in the form of fake news or covert advertising, and that is also under the control of the Chinese government as a way to extract information on ways to disseminate disinformation in the West.

You probably don’t care, because you belong to the anything goes generation of marketing managers, who also lack ethical principles, and who care about nothing but metrics, even if it means getting into bed with the devil. Congratulations, it is possible that by redirecting…



Enrique Dans
Enrique Dans

Professor of Innovation at IE Business School and blogger (in English here and in Spanish at