IMAGE: Springer Nature Limited 2020

How data from wearables will revolutionize healthcare

Enrique Dans
Enrique Dans
Published in
3 min readOct 20, 2020


I believe that the pandemic will change the way we approach healthcare in the future. Firstly, because this is a dynamic sector that is attracting growing investment around the world as a lot of talented entrepreneurs try to find valid value propositions. Secondly, because it makes perfect sense to try to find patterns that could have prevented the spread of the pandemic: if we had a significant portion of the population monitoring their vital signs on a regular basis in the areas where SARS-CoV-2 first began to infect humans, it’s very possible that that infection could have been detected and isolated quickly, and that a localized infection would never have escalated into a global pandemic.

Thirdly, because technology is a context variable that establishes the context of our activities, while healthcare is vitally important. It makes no sense for technologies that enable the sensing and control of numerous diagnostic variables to be outside health management systems for too long.

Seen in this light, the fact that clinical studies are beginning to emerge — in addition to those known as Stanford’s with Apple — in which this type of technology and devices are used satisfactorily is logical, as is the fact that some leading health insurance companies, such as Sanitas in Spain, are beginning to explore this area (link in Spanish).



Enrique Dans
Enrique Dans

Professor of Innovation at IE Business School and blogger (in English here and in Spanish at