How will we work in the post-pandemic world?

Enrique Dans
Enrique Dans
3 min readSep 8, 2020


A PwC survey of flexible and distributed working within US financial services firms confirms many of the ideas currently being discussed about the future of these types of environments once the pandemic situation can be reasonably considered under control.

Based on the responses of the 50 managers and 144 employees of the 50 financial services companies that participated, before the pandemia, only 29% had at least 60% of employees working from home at least once a week. This situation, however, is expected to reach 69%, a very significant change, and may even increase as we leave behind the emergency practices of the early stages of lockdown and distributed work is better planned, structured and uses the right tools.

In another survey, conducted by The Grossman Group, nearly half of employees at US companies said they wanted to continue working from home after the pandemic, and that the shift to distributed work had positively influenced their perceptions of their employers, based on how their company had adapted and responded to the challenge of the pandemic, as well as communication with their superiors.

In the vast majority of cases, the future points not so much to fully distributed work, with employees always working from home, but instead to much greater flexibility based on a reconceptualization of the office



Enrique Dans
Enrique Dans

Professor of Innovation at IE Business School and blogger (in English here and in Spanish at