How would you rate your company’s response to distributed work in the post-pandemic world?

Enrique Dans
Enrique Dans


As the vaccination campaigns around the world gain traction and companies start thinking about a post-pandemic future, the possibility of returning to the office looms.

The pandemic and the changes it imposed on how we work now provide a unique opportunity to take a more flexible approach to work; but not all companies and managers are capable of taking advantage of it. For many of them, the fact that 65% of people who have experienced distributed work during the pandemic want to continue working that way, and that 33% like the idea of hybrid models that combine distributed work with the office, and that only 2% want to go back to working full time from the office, like they did before the pandemic doesn’t necessarily carry much weight for many companies: the workforce will do what we tell them to, and what they want is not a priority.

If you work for a company, how would you evaluate its attitudes as we exit from the pandemic? Here’s a sliding scale of companies and their approach:

  1. Cave dweller companies: prehistory is the time of the corporatists, for whom the only thing that matters, whatever happens, is to go back to working as we did before March 2020. The fact that many of us have adapted well to distributed work, enjoying significant…



Enrique Dans
Enrique Dans

Professor of Innovation at IE Business School and blogger (in English here and in Spanish at