India, Asia’s sleeping giant, is waking up

Enrique Dans
Enrique Dans
Published in
3 min readApr 19, 2023


IMAGE: A map of India with the flag colors on top
IMAGE: Shaun — Pixabay

A very interesting article in the Harvard Business Review, “The U.S.-India relationship Is key to the future of tech”, explores the implications of India’s population overtaking China’s for the first time, making it the most populated country in the world.

India faces many challenges and its economy is much smaller than its northern neighbor. At the same time, the two have border conflicts dating back decades, have prompted Prime Minister Narendra Modi to ban several Chinese apps, including the extremely popular TikTok.

A huge, diverse country, with separatist tensions due to that very diversity and whose main trading partner is the United States, India sees an opportunity in Washington’s trade war with Beijing: Apple, for example, is progressively moving its assembly plants there, where it finds greater flexibility than in China.

The United States and India have enjoyed good relations since the 1990s, when India began to emerge as a major player in the global technology outsourcing industry. With a long-standing commitment to education, the 23 Indian Institutes of Technology have been producing highly skilled professionals since the 1950s, all trained in a fiercely competitive environment, primarily in various branches of engineering.



Enrique Dans
Enrique Dans

Professor of Innovation at IE Business School and blogger (in English here and in Spanish at