Interview at Rewire Mag

Enrique Dans
Enrique Dans


Judith San Juan, Nalisha Men, Laura Millan Povedano, Oday Almajed and Cristina Bejarano, students at the IE School of Human Sciences and Technology in IE University, interviewed me for Rewire Mag, their faculty’s digital magazine, about my new book, “Viviendo en el futuro”, as well as related issues such as innovation and the current structures that hinder it, the future of work, policies related to unconditional basic income, changes in education, the possibilities for their generation of changing things, and the importance of activism in order to do so.

The interview is entitled “Living in the future: An interview with Professor Enrique Dans”, and is a little less than five minutes long. It was also shot on video, and as soon as it’s published, I’ll probably review it as well. As I mentioned in the interview, I’ve been working on the English edition of “Living in the Future” for some time now, with the idea of having it ready by the end of January. Watch this space…

(En español, aquí)



Enrique Dans
Enrique Dans

Professor of Innovation at IE Business School and blogger (in English here and in Spanish at