My foreword to The Blockchain Revolution, by Don and Alex Tapscott

Enrique Dans
Enrique Dans
7 min readFeb 15, 2017


Spain’s Deusto publishers asked me to write the foreword for the Spanish edition of “The Blockchain Revolution”, by Don Tapscott and his son Alex about one of the most interesting technologies in recent years and that offers full traceability for transactions and that will soon be part of our daily reality, whether we are aware of it or not.

I have long admired Don Tapscott, and even wrote a review in Spanish of his “Wikinomics” some time ago in Manager Focus: the request to write a foreword to the Spanish edition was a real honor. Moreover, I am an enthusiastic supporter of blockchain, a technology that many people associate solely with the domain of cryptocurrencies and the media hype of bitcoin, but that in reality is the ideal solution for all transactions, and that we will see everywhere, until it becomes the largest supercomputer in the world, perhaps creating a whole new internet in the process. Industries such as energy, music, distribution and supply chains, cybersecurity and the internet of things, real estate, banking, payments, insurance and a thousand other anything else entrepreneurs can come up with, will be affected by the arrival of a distributed database management system that makes transactional systems perfectly traceable and protects them from almost all the problems they usually suffer.



Enrique Dans
Enrique Dans

Professor of Innovation at IE Business School and blogger (in English here and in Spanish at