Public enemy number one

Enrique Dans
Enrique Dans
Published in
3 min readMay 11, 2024


IMAGE: A deepfake of Donald Trump being arrested by the police, created using a generative algorithm
A deepfake of Donald Trump being arrested

Few articles have ever alarmed and outraged me as the exclusive published by The Washington Post on Thursday about Donald Trump’s meeting with representatives of the US fossil fuel industry at his Mar-a-Lago residence, during which he offered them, in exchange for a billion dollar campaign donation, to end all decarbonization programs and electric mobility policies, as well as lifting all restrictions on activity “from day one of his term in office”.

It’s hard to overstate how great an act of irresponsibility this is by a politician: selling humanity’s future in return for a chance to run the United States. This is a man who dismisses rigorous, unequivocal scientific research on the climate emergency as a “hoax”, who tells the oil industry not to worry, that he will repeal all policies to promote the use of EVs, of wind and solar energy, which he particularly hates, as well as protection of natural spaces. In addition, he will authorize new unrestricted oil drilling in Alaska and the Gulf of Mexico, increase natural gas exports, and eliminate restrictions on vehicle emissions.

Joe Biden is no saint, far from it. In addition to many general foreign policy issues, the fossil fuel industry has made the highest profits in its history under his tenure. But despite having spent over $400 million lobbying the Biden Administration, he has had to watch as more and more restrictions and…



Enrique Dans
Enrique Dans

Professor of Innovation at IE Business School and blogger (in English here and in Spanish at