Refind, an interesting discovery

Enrique Dans
Enrique Dans
Published in
3 min readJun 3, 2018


I was pleased to come across Refind, a social bookmarking tool, reading list manager and content recommendation provider, just when Pinterest, is showing signs of unreliability and unpredictability, with problems in such fundamental areas as browser use or the browser extension option.

Refind has been running since at least December 2015, but I only used it for the first time a few weeks ago. It works through a Chrome plug in that provides a button giving access to its two main features, a reading list and a profile. In the first, links can be stored very quickly, which can then be retrieved on the application page, either simply by scrolling or through a search box that, for the moment, seems much more reliable and complete than other similar tools. Links stored there can also be sent to a file for permanently storage, a feature I don’t use much (I prefer to leave them in my reading list), but that has potentially interesting uses.

In addition, articles can be sent to a profile, to be stored in a section representative of our interests. In my case, I store what I write on my page in Spanish, but it can be used, logically, for other uses. The reading list and files are private, the profile is public. There is also a home page where the application uses a recommendation algorithm based on the links you’ve stored.



Enrique Dans
Enrique Dans

Professor of Innovation at IE Business School and blogger (in English here and in Spanish at