IMAGE: Several digital chains over a background of electronic circuits
IMAGE: Reto Scheiwiller — Pixabay (CC0)

The blockchain is coming, so get on the program

Enrique Dans
Enrique Dans


The growing use of blockchain suggests that this will soon be how carry out any kind of deal: the evolution of the web as Web 3.0 — I hate nomenclatures in the form of ‘versions — will mean an internet in which every transaction is stored in a blockchain in different forms (smart contracts, NFTs and other protocols that will appear).

China, which has embraced blockchain as a universal protocol after its leader, Xi Jinping, publicly endorsed it in 2019, is now the country with the most infrastructure options, and the first to designate certain regions of the country as trial zones for the development of real world blockchain applications in sectors such as manufacturing, energy, government services, law enforcement, tax, justice administration and customs.

Beijing’s decision to back blockchain sheds light on a protocol that until recently, was considered by many analysts to be a solution in search of a problem, and reminds an old timer like me of the days when the internet was only used for a few specific procedures and TCP/IP was a complex way of transmitting data over a network. I can still remember the happy days of the “Warriors of the Net” video, which many technology teachers used back in 2002 to explain the protocol to our students in words of one syllable: it looked complicated, but in practice it was not so complicated, and it…



Enrique Dans
Enrique Dans

Professor of Innovation at IE Business School and blogger (in English here and in Spanish at