The end of the lies: a world with 100% renewable energy is possible.

Enrique Dans
Enrique Dans
Published in
3 min readAug 12, 2022


IMAGE: A collage of solar panels and wind generators
IMAGE: Seagul — Pixabay

No more arguments. Engineers living in the past, ignorant politicians, disbelievers in the early stages of renewables, unconditional apostles of nuclear and other assorted denialists have their summer reading assigned: 15 universities from around the world have published their conclusions on the energy scenario of the future, and demonstrate that a world powered entirely by renewable energies is not only perfectly feasible, but also completely realistic in terms of cost.

The research, published in IEEE (pdf), argues that developing the necessary solar and wind generation infrastructure and storage to dispense completely with fossil fuels and nuclear power is entirely realistic, and also represents a huge cost saving in the medium to long term. All fears about the obviously intermittent nature of solar and wind power can be consigned to the past: battery storage structures, water pumping stations and green hydrogen manufacturing cover the needs of any country perfectly.

Every time you hear somebody claiming that “that can’t be and it’s impossible” or that “nuclear power plants are essential for generation”, you know: you can hit them with the study in the nose and understand that they are either sadly out of date in terms of generation capacities, or they don’t know the performance of storage…



Enrique Dans
Enrique Dans

Professor of Innovation at IE Business School and blogger (in English here and in Spanish at