The problem with anthropomorphizing algorithms

Enrique Dans
Enrique Dans
Published in
3 min readMay 12, 2023


A naked man with a hole on his face holding that face in front of him, disconnected from several wires
IMAGE: 0fjd125gk87 — Pixabay

More and more people are using generative algorithms for a growing number of tasks, whether for text or image generation. OpenAI’s decision to apply the classic Silicon Valley philosophy of “move fast and break things” to machine learning and bring to market an unfinished product that gets many of its answers wrong, but that aspires to get better as more people use it seems to be working: never has there been such rapid technological adoption, and never has there been so much talk about it.

However, as with any rapid popularization, the assimilation processes are far from perfect. Many of the people who have started using generative algorithms such as ChatGPT on a regular basis tend to anthropomorphize the technology, to treat it as if they were dealing with a fellow human. Since this interaction is carried out through a prompt, it is very common to find people requesting a task in an extremely ambiguous way, leaving in the air many of the factors that could influence the quality of the response obtained, or even asking for things as a favor or saying thank you.

In the exams I give to some of the groups I have taught after the advent of ChatGPT and similar algorithms, it is dramatically evident which students know how to use them well by asking questions in the right way, versus those who simply ask a question without elaborating too…



Enrique Dans
Enrique Dans

Professor of Innovation at IE Business School and blogger (in English here and in Spanish at