IMAGE: DoD photo by Lisa Ferdinando (CC BY)

The vaccination rollout will only work if it’s driven by technology

Enrique Dans
Enrique Dans


It seemed little more than a dream back in the summer, but finally, the vaccines are here. And while we all wonder when our turn to be vaccinated will come, we can watch media coverage of campaigns already underway around the world — along with fake news about nurses suffering catastrophic allergic reactions after receiving their jab.

That said, I see insufficient planning and a failure to fully explore technology’s potential to solve many of the problems associated with the rollout. The Covid-19 vaccine is a milestone and a huge advance in medical science, but the negativity and doubt being spread by some is very irresponsible: there have been absurd and ignorant suggestions that in reality we will be injected with some sort of not yet developed nanochip, while others have raised concerns about individual liberties: exactly the kind of stupidity that has brought back diseases that had been almost eradicated.

Who should receive the vaccine first? The different approaches being adopted by governments around the world once again highlight politicians’ inability to apply a common and scientifically based strategy, preferring instead to be guided by electoral criteria. Instead, they should be led by epidemiology, with all countries taking the same approach. Once again, borders prevent the kind of coordinated…



Enrique Dans
Enrique Dans

Professor of Innovation at IE Business School and blogger (in English here and in Spanish at