Twitter Blue: another step toward the freemium model

Enrique Dans
Enrique Dans
Published in
3 min readJun 4, 2021


IMAGE: Twitter

Twitter is launching its Twitter Blue subscription service, for the moment in just two markets, Canada and Australia, priced at $3.49 Canadian and $4.49 Australian dollars, with the idea that in the United States it will cost $2.99.

This premium version of Twitter offers some additional features, such as an Undo button for tweets that will offer up to 30 seconds to undo an update and correct it if desired, a folder for storing tweets into subfolders, a reading mode that makes it easier to view threads, some color customization options, and an exclusive technical service. According to the company, these are features that many users have been demanding for a long time, and which may be enhanced in the future with new functionalities.

Twitter’s idea is to offer this subscription service to users it defines as “the most connected, passionate, or those who want to take their experience to the next level,” such as journalists, company social network managers, heavy users or people interested in keeping up with current events.

Twitter’s idea is to diversify its revenues and so reduce its dependence on advertising (more than 85% of its revenue) and to create a group of users who value the application enough to pay for it and test new features out. Twitter Blue is not for everyone and instead is a premium…



Enrique Dans
Enrique Dans

Professor of Innovation at IE Business School and blogger (in English here and in Spanish at