When it comes to dispelling the myths about the energy transition, let the science do the talking

Enrique Dans
Enrique Dans
Published in
4 min readFeb 16, 2023


IMAGE: A photo taken in the Salar de Uyuni, in Bolivia, one of the largest sources of lithium
IMAGE: Alexander Schimmeck — Unsplash

Resistance to change has been a constant throughout history, and tends to manifest itself when the pace of change is most acute.

Nobody would deny that right now we are in the midst of the most important revolution we have ever faced, marked by the imperative need to get rid of fossil fuels, which while they have given us the level of development we enjoy today, must be replaced as soon as possible by renewable energies.

Anybody who disputes this is either blind to the facts or in denial. Every gram of fossil fuel burned in a vehicle or a factory makes our planet less habitable, both for us and for just about every other species. We face a terrible destiny that science has already proven in every possible way, although some ignorant people — fortunately fewer and fewer, more irrational and more isolated — insist on denying it, even going so far in their stupidity as to call those of us cite the science as “warmists”.

Now, given the ridiculousness of denying the evidence without exposing themselves to ridicule, those resisting change are trying another tack: while admitting the need to decarbonize, they argue that the process would actually consume more resources than we have available on the planet, or would produce more pollution…



Enrique Dans
Enrique Dans

Professor of Innovation at IE Business School and blogger (in English here and in Spanish at enriquedans.com)