When it comes to recycling, are you prepared to put you money where your mouth is?

Enrique Dans
Enrique Dans
Published in
3 min readJan 17, 2023


IMAGE: A trash bin designed by Mill that processes human food waste to make it suitable for animal food. And a cat (feline not included)

Matt Rogers, co-founder and designer of Nest and formerly at Apple, has set up a new company based on the idea of us separating our domestic food waste in a special bin that odorlessly reduces it to a dry feed that it will collect and supply to poultry farms.

This is a very different approach to the usual method of putting organic matter in bins that are either then dumped in landfill, or turned into compost. Instead, Mill starts from a fundamental idea, which is that food is not waste, and proposes that this food be reused at another point in the food chain, as animal feed.

The company is called Mill, and what strikes me about it is not so much the technological development of a bin able to treat food waste so that it retains its nutrients and does not generate odors, but that is expects us to pay a monthly fee of $33, which includes the bin, so that the dehydrated and shredded food scraps, which we have to separate and store, are collected and taken first to the company, where any possible glass, metal or plastic residue is removed and the rest pasteurized, and then to the poultry farms where it will be used as feed.

In exchange for the extra effort involved in carrying out a more thorough separation and keeping a bin at home to store the product, we…



Enrique Dans
Enrique Dans

Professor of Innovation at IE Business School and blogger (in English here and in Spanish at enriquedans.com)