Your money or your cookies!

Enrique Dans
Enrique Dans
Published in
3 min readJan 20, 2024


IMAGE: A hand with a gun and another hand with some dollar bills
IMAGE: Alexander Lesnitsky — Pixabay

The dilemma has never been clearer: from the moment Google decided to eliminate third party cookies that allowed our data, habits and interests to be marketed immediately to thousands of companies, just about every website demands that we allow cookies; otherwise, pay up.

What are they trying to tell us? Facebook users should know that there are more than 48,000 companies telling Meta about everything you do: what you read, your interests, where you go, what time leave home and return home, your political views, what products or services you are interested in, your health, your social class, your religion, your sexual or political preferences … everything you can, or can’t imagine. Everything. Tens of thousands of nasty companies constantly spying on you and trafficking your data.

What’s more, this mess is down to our own stupidity: something so obviously a gross violation of our privacy that it defies understanding as to why it isn’t illegal. In the meantime, a growing number of websites are now cashing in: either you agree to be a part of this sinister system, or we’ll charge you. Your money or your cookies.

Let’s look a little closer at that blackmail: what we’re really being told is that either we surrender our privacy, or we will have to pay. Does that make sense, considering that our privacy should, in any civilized country, be protected…



Enrique Dans
Enrique Dans

Professor of Innovation at IE Business School and blogger (in English here and in Spanish at