EnRusk and the Dept. of Education Victoria

Published in
2 min readJun 12, 2020

This week we began our work with the Department of Education Victoria, helping their Tech Schools design and deliver the professional learning focussed on Design Thinking in the Classroom. What is the process, what are the mindsets, and what are some of the skills and tools they will need to facilitate it themselves?
This week we focussed on Empathy. If we are to shift the model from a teacher to student model to one that embodies the idea of co-learning Empathy is critical.
Empathy for self to know what blocks us from having Empathy for others to understand how to create the space to be — the space of co-learning.

To help us do this, we met with all of the DET tech school team members, a wonderful group. We did this to better understand their needs and likewise help them understand ours so we might collectively realize what might be possible if we listen and create together.

This is a vital space or concept considering all that's going on in the world today.

#designthinking #blacklivesmatter #learning #continuallybecomingother #colearning



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