New Updates: Instructor Email Notifications

Zoey Lê
Ensightful App Inc.
2 min readFeb 4, 2022

Ensightful’s chat function has been updated so instructors no longer miss out on messages from their students! Let’s go through these updates together:

Email Notifications for Messages

Instructors can now receive email notifications when students message you on Ensightful. Here’s how it works:

Go to your Profile by clicking on your icon at the top right corner and select Notification Preferences on the left panel.

Here, you can choose to receive notifications for two kinds of messages:

  1. Direct messages: Unread messages from another user directly to you.
  2. Channel messages: New messages from any channel you are a part of, including the #general channel with each group.

Here is a sample of what your email will look like when you receive a new direct message:

Note: This feature is different from Weekly Summary Email, where instructors receive reports of class progress, alerts, and unread messages.

Coming Soon: Notification Icons

On the Ensightful platform, you will also see icons indicating unread direct and channel messages.

The # icon indicates that you have unread messages from channels in that group. Meanwhile, the chat bubble icon notifies you of new direct messages from members within the group.

And that’s it! With email notifications, you can quickly respond to your students’ questions without having to log into the platform to check for messages. The chat icons will help you visualize where to check for replies every time you are on Ensightful. These updates will also ensure faster response time for students when they need your feedback for their next steps.

If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment below — we’re always happy to help!

