Organizational Tips: Creating A Healthy Workspace

dolly modha
Ensightful App Inc.
3 min readJun 2, 2021


What are you doing to optimize your workspace?

One part of creating a healthy workspace is having a clean and organized desk. But, that’s not the only thing you can do. Having the best workspace for your lifestyle also means obtaining a workspace that helps you plan all of your deadlines, work efficiently, and stay organized. If you’re struggling to organize your workspace in a way that works for you, we’ve gathered some tips to help you!

Here are 8 tips to help you declutter your desk:

  1. Eliminate Distractions

First, we encourage you to remove distractions from your work environment. Whether this is access to a TV, social media, or any other non-work related hobbies. After distractions are eliminated, some may find it helpful to meditate for 3 minutes before starting work to remove any negative thoughts and start the day with a clear mind.

2. Create An Ideal Environment

Make sure to sit in a quiet place to avoid noise and distractions. If music helps you focus, consider saving some Spotify playlists to help you stay focused and motivated throughout the day.

3. Keep Deadlines Handy

When working in a group, being on time and coordinating with others is very important. It can be helpful to have a calendar or agenda (physical or electronic) so that you can easily keep track of your deadlines. Using manual or organizational tools such as sticky notes or Google Keep can be helpful. Setting this up in your workspace can help you keep yourself accountable when it comes to your daily tasks.


Use bright coloured sticky notes to attract higher priority tasks and vice versa. If using Google Keep, follow the same colour pattern. This helps you remember which tasks are of higher and lower priority.

4. Add Variety To Your Workdays

Change things up by developing different schedules for day-to-day tasks can help you stay creative. Creating a work environment that includes all the necessary tools to do a variety of different tasks will make it easier for you to fill your days with variety and avoid getting stuck in a repetitive cycle.

5. A quote to remember.

As said by David Allen “If the task only takes 2 minutes, complete it first. This helps reduce the task list and keeps you focused. Once finished, you will achieve an achievement too.”

6. It’s Verified!

Double-check your work before submitting, to remove the chance of errors.

7. Essentials only!

Get rid of any extra things that you don’t need. Keep things close to yourself which you need and keep the rest aside.

“Arrange a desk for usefulness instead of aesthetics!”

8. Focus on 1 task

Working on one task is more efficient than multitasking. Staying focused on one thing at a time can lead to better quality work.

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