Staying Motivated and Avoiding Burnout

Ariel Baena-Tan
Ensightful App Inc.
4 min readApr 30, 2021

It’s no news to us that “Zoom University” has taken a toll on students. Not only has this change impacted the quality of their education, but it has also impacted their mental health. On top of the stress that this pandemic already brings us, students also have to deal with the many challenges that come along with learning in an isolated online environment. While many students have already adapted to the new reality of online learning, it’s very easy to fall into an end-of-year slump and let things slide with the excitement of the summer approaching. However, it’s never too late to work on your goals to end the school year off strong. Here are some tips to maintain motivation and avoid burnout!

Keeping a Healthy Mindset

Get Enough Sleep, Food and Exercise

Getting enough sleep, food and exercise may seem like a no-brainer that you’ve heard a million times already, but it’s important to actively make decisions to ensure you are taking care of yourself. Finding a balance where you can get the appropriate amount of sleep, proper nutrition and the right amount of exercise for you is simpler than it may seem. To keep your body and mind healthy, some things you can try include:

  • Putting away your electronics before going to bed
  • Meal prepping
  • Setting aside time to get out of your room and go for a walk

Stay Organized

Staying organized throughout the week can help you be more productive and feel less stressed. We recommend planning out your tasks the night before each day. To accomplish this, try using:

  • A journal or notepad
  • An agenda
  • An electronic calendar or other project management platform

If you are mentally prepared in advance to do what you need to do once you wake up, it can be a lot easier to get started on your day and avoid procrastination.

Incorporate Breaks Into Your Routine

Another way to avoid procrastination is to actively incorporate breaks into your study or work hours. This allows you to have a more structured schedule to avoid burnout and stress. A common strategy is the Pomodoro Technique. This technique encourages you to work within the time you have, rather than against it by structuring your work into 25-minute chunks separated by 5–10 minute breaks. By incorporating breaks into your routine, you can allow yourself to have an allotted time to pause without feeling guilty about taking your attention off of your work.

Staying Engaged

Stay Connected With Family and Friends

While technology has made it relatively easy to stay connected with people throughout the pandemic, it can still be hard to feel anything but isolated. Human interactions are essential to help you stay engaged, motivated and happy during this time. We encourage you to make time to have fun Zoom calls with friends or family, reach out to people in your classes and maybe even study with a friend safely and socially distanced. Some fun online games you can play on zoom include:

Find Hobbies That Don’t Involve Screens

It is very easy to fall into a cycle where your work or school obligations consume all of your time and attention. The lack of variety in your days can be exhausting for many people. Something that we would recommend would be to engage yourself in new hobbies or activities that allow you to take your mind off of your daily routine. This could be something like picking up a new book, learning how to paint, or even starting a new covid-safe sport like running. Allowing yourself to learn and explore new things that bring you joy will help you stay motivated and positive throughout the day.

Maintaining an Ideal Environment

Limit Distractions

Ensuring that you are in the most ideal environment for learning is key to be able to succeed while working from home. Unfortunately, home is where the majority of our distractions live. You may have a cute puppy running around, or your roommate cooking in the kitchen. While it can be tempting to let loose and enjoy the distractions in the comfort of your own home, it’s important to consciously make the effort to limit your distractions. Some ways to do this include:

  • Having a separate workspace from your “relaxing” space
  • Sitting away from your roommates or pets
  • Limiting your time on social media.

Stay Clean and Organized

Speaking of distractions, it is also important to limit your distractions within your workspace. This means keeping your desk area clean and tidy. Having only your essentials in front of you can help you stay on track and limit distractions. Keeping the following things away from your workspace to make it easier for you to keep your focus on your work.

  • Your hobbies
  • Access to social media
  • Other distractions

Change Up Your Scenery

Sometimes staying in the same place all the time can be a challenge. Especially when we no longer have the separation between home and school/work. Taking the time to plan and work in a library, a cafe or a communal study room can help you change up your scenery and stay more focused. Getting out of your house allows you to mentally separate your work time from your downtime. Just remember to stay safe by wearing a mask and practice social distancing when working in public spaces!

