No More One-nighters at the Library: Benefits of a Team Management Tool

Zoey Lê
Ensightful App Inc.
3 min readJan 5, 2022

From team members not contributing to poor communication, these are multiple reasons why students are not big fans of working on group projects. You can be the most adaptable straight-A student, and group projects can still be a challenging feat. When you are juggling four to five (or more) courses per semester, keeping track of assignments is exhausting, especially within group projects.

With almost every class in my degree involving some kind of group project, I’ve found that the missing key is good team project management. This is why Ensightful is a game-changer for students. It is a project management tool designed specifically for higher education, allowing students to plan in advance, keep track of their progress, and so much more. Here’s how students can benefit from using Ensightful:

Improve your digital collaboration skills

Digital collaboration has been on the rise due to the pandemic and will continue to be a relevant skill in the future. Ensightful was designed to help you learn and utilize these skills effectively. The workload distribution chart will help you visualize task assignments using the point system. You can decide as a team which tasks are low (1 point), medium (2 points), or high (4points) workload, then distribute them equally.

The Kanban board will help you visualize your progress while keeping track of your team’s momentum. By moving tasks to the appropriate column (To do, In Progress, Under Review, Completed), you no longer need to send messages to update each other at every stage of the project.

Learn organization and project management skills

More often than not, teams fall behind due to lack of planning and coordination. Ensightful provides you with all the tools needed for a successful project: communication channels, task page, and files page, all shared with the team so you can stay on the same page and understand what to do.

Your teaching team will also have access to these pages, which will help you receive timely feedback from your instructors. The #general channel automatically includes your instructor in the chat, where you can ask them questions and quickly receive responses.

Easily transition to other project management tools

Ultimately, we want to provide a tool that helps you learn practical skills. After graduating, whether you’re working at a well-established company like Google or a small startup, team management tools will remain an essential part. Using Ensightful, therefore, is a great way to gain experience using a similar tool and adopting a project management mindset.

At Ensightful, we’ve all been there as students and we understand the frustration of teamwork. This is why we have created a platform to help students reduce headaches when it comes to group projects. To find out more, visit our solution here:

