Together We Can Do More

Google and small businesses inspire a way forward in Brazil

Daniel Hall
2 min readDec 14, 2016
A small business owner in Sao Paolo helps a customer (photo: anthem vide0).

Here at enso we believe that with the right tools, small businesses have the power to transform economies and strengthen communities at scale. The qualities it takes to run a business — resilience, creativity, and optimism, just to name a few — make it possible to overcome a host of challenges.

When we began working with Google to tell the story of how small businesses in Brazil are adapting to thrive in tough economic times, we saw it as a story we could all learn from. We’re an international team, and we were drawn to the universal human truths that keep these business owners pressing forward in the face of uncertainty.

Right now Brazil faces unprecedented political, economic, and cultural stress. Over 1.2 million people have lost their jobs, and the country is in its worst recession in history. But despite these setbacks, small businesses and entrepreneurs are diligently shaping Brazil’s future. They represent more than half of the country’s jobs and are fueling economic growth and momentum at a national level.

In a recent campaign launched in Brazil, Google shines a light on some of these small business heroes, and gives them a megaphone to share their wisdom and fighting spirit with fellow business owners.

In the anthem video, we take an intimate look into the lives of the people who drive Brazil’s economy, and how their unique perspectives offer inspiration not just for their fellow entrepreneurs, but for all of us.

Google offers support to small businesses in Brazil through one-on-one guidance and options for every budget, and by equipping them with opportunities to reach consumers in the very moment they are searching for products or services.

In a second video, we get to know some of these small business owners and hear in their words how Google’s tools have impacted their business, and how embracing new technology is part of the entrepreneurial mindset.

enso is proud to have concepted and produced these videos for Google in this effort to champion small businesses and tell the story of how they are succeeding in the digital age. In challenging times, an entrepreneurial mindset can move us forward — with a little help from the web.

Learn more about how Google works with small businesses in Brazil at

enso is an impact studio, applying mission-driven creativity in service of world value. We work with visionary brands and on our own initiatives.
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Thanks to Molly Tormey.

