A Semester Exam With Open Book & Open Laptop With full WiFi — Cool isn't it?

Sinduja Kandaswamy
Published in
2 min readSep 30, 2017

Well today when I was telling my parents about my experience of writing a semester exam with open book and open laptop with wifi access for the first time, my 10 year old niece after patiently listening to me was so elated that she walked up to me and asked, “Will he teach in my school also?”. The disappointment on her face when I said no conveyed a lot of things. And I really felt like sharing this with everyone. 10 year old or 30 year old Open book tests excites everyone isn’t it?

The day before exam, we were all filled with mixed emotions. A lot of excitement, apprehensions, confusions and yes a little bit of doubt too. Well, till the moment I received the question paper in hand, I felt something was reallllllllly fishy. And once the exam got over, all of us walked out of the hall with that million dollar smile not really because the exam went well but because of what we just experienced.

Having experienced it, Let me tell you its not as easy as we think. It involves a lot of time management, power reading, ability to effectively use Google Search etc. Well since it was first time such an exam model was implemented in our college, we did face few technical clutches. But at the end of the day, the experience also taught how to accomplish the task even with limited resources.

It was indeed a cool thing and one of the best experiences that I ever had. Thank you so much to Sijo Kuruvilla George for making this happen. When everyone is concentrating on equipping the students to learn and write you took the road less taken and made us learn while writing. I’m pretty sure it is going to take at least 10 years for this to get widely implemented in the Indian Education system. And at that time we could proudly say, “Dude calm down, we experienced it years ago.”

