Being a Social Entrepreneur

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2 min readSep 24, 2017

You + Idea + Community + Start Something Good = IMPACT

A Social Entrepreneur is one who develop, fund and implement solutions to Social, Cultural or Environmental issues. There is always a concept that Social Entrepreneural firms are non – profit organisations. How about Social Entrepreneurial firm for profit? Yes. That too exists. The term “Philanthropreneurship” is not that common in India. Philanthropreneurs leverage their resources to achieve social change that is both scalable and sustainable. As a result, their contribution is meant to go beyond providing temporary “band-aid” solutions to eradicate the problem.

Normally when someone who starts an organization with the motto of enhancing social condition by solving issues, the main hindrance to the same is fund raising. It will be difficult to get a loan sanctioned for starting non-profit organization. Anyone who lends money look forward for return. Also, there is no surety that the initiative one started to intensify social growth will be taken forward with the same warmth and diligence. Constant and proper flow of money is also a barrier.

In my opinion, it is always better to have an idea of making some sort of profit through the firm you set up for the social cause. Because even the other people who are engaged with the organization will be motivated through the reward received through their work. So, my idea is to engage the same people who are been affected with the social issue, start something good, make them understand who to overcome it with better return and make an IMPACT.

Social Entrepreneurs are not content just to give a fish or teach how to fish. They will not rest until they have revolutionized the fishing industry.

-Bill Drayton

