Entrepreneurship- An advantage to the unemployed

anusha s
Published in
2 min readSep 14, 2017

What is more painful than completing 18–20 years of rigorous education and still not getting a job? The pain of the unemployed can be felt only by those who face it. For people with education , talent, ambition ,passion and no job here is a way you can be you own boss. Yes !!! Think of an idea, make it a business, earn what you need and above all give jobs to people like you , that gives the highest satisfaction for you. But what is the right time to start a business of your own ? In an EY survey earlier this year, it is found that 65% of the 2,800 young people surveyed around the world want to run their own business at some point in their careers — 27% want to do so immediately and 38% after learning from someone else first. These ambitions are particularly strong in developing countries, with Mexico (91%) and China (89%) leading the way. Unemployment in India is projected to increase from 17.7 million last year to 17.8 million in 2017 and 18 million next year as per World Employment and Social Outlook report released by United Nations International Labour Organisation (ILO) this year.

The best solution for this problem could be where the educated youth come up with their ideas and start businesses and not waiting for someone to give them job.

Now lets look at some of the perks of being an entrepreneur:

· Be the Boss

· Create Your Own Opportunities & Destiny.

· You get to see your work change lives- by giving job to people and when your product helps people in their everyday lives.

·Gives great amount of freedom and flexibility of work.

· Brings excitement

· You can have control over your earnings.

Now lets see some reasons why Indians hesitate to become an entrepreneur

· Risk averse — Because we are brought up in a way to always chose the safe path !!!

Yes ,financial risks are high !!!

· Perception that all your education will become useless if you start own business.

· Don’t want to take up leadership- They might be great at their jobs but when it comes to assuming the role of a leader and delegating jobs, they aren’t very comfortable.

· Belief that becoming a entrepreneur can hamper their family life as they’ll have to work for long hours which might detach them from their family.

· Comfortable in your comfort zone!!!

But it is high time that youth get rid of these reasons and fears and become their own bosses. It is not just for you but for the nation as a whole to rise and prove what brilliant minds like you can do!!!

