How crowdfunding can be done even with a prototype

Sachin Philip
Published in
2 min readOct 7, 2017

Many a times when we think of starting something, or creating something, we are flooded with thoughts and pressure from everywhere on from where you would get capital and what if we fail. This is not just your problem, its something everyone faces. But the fact is you have tons of opportunity to try out on something which you always wanted to. Just make sure whatever you make serves a solution to some problem faced by humans.

At times you maybe only having an idea and no product, and you may not have capital or resources to develop a product or actualize on your idea. What if I say, you could raise funds just with an idea? Yes, it is possible. Only thing you need along with your idea is a Prototype. Developing a digital prototype is not a mind blowing task. You have so much of aids to develop a prototype let it be an app or a physical product.

I decided to share my thoughts on this topic after being inspired of how a certain product, better to say an idea with a prototype got on to kick-starter and raised Capital to a sum which is huge. I am talking about “Polygons — The flat 4 in 1 measuring spoon” It is a transformable spoon to 4 measuring sizes. The product was not there. But only a prototype which was showed using a video.

They had the backing from 36,863 pledges for $1,022,120. Now we can see they have started showing early production techniques and slowly actualizing their idea.

They had a solution to some problem which we all face at sometime and look at the phenomenal support they received.

Now what if your idea is for an app? And you are not into app development? What if I say you there is a tool to make a prototype of an app?? Meet

Here anyone can come put in there idea to develop a prototype of an app of what you want. Now that you can develop a prototype app for your idea, what stopping you? Lets get that into a crowdfunding platform and seek support.

There are many people who are into funding in crowdfunding platforms. Its like if you could impress them with an idea, each person puts in a share to help you actualize and rest is economies of scale. There are so many people who crowdfund. Look at the reach Polygons got.

So that is the level of support you would get out there. You just need to spend some time to develop into an idea and to pitch with it. There are so many crowdfunding platforms like kickstarter,, etc.

Come out from all those uncertainties and try, you never know whats in store for you.

